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Things are not what they appear to be, nor they are otherwise. Chaos- Rowan Mohamed & Mazen Mohamed.

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Presentation on theme: "Things are not what they appear to be, nor they are otherwise. Chaos- Rowan Mohamed & Mazen Mohamed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Things are not what they appear to be, nor they are otherwise. Chaos- Rowan Mohamed & Mazen Mohamed



4 Many scientists believe that 20 th. Century science will be known for only 3 theories: 1- Relativity 2- Quantum Mechanics 3- CHAOS

5 Relativity → Newtonian illusion of absolute space & time Quantum Mechanics → Newtonian dream of a controllable measurement process CHAOS → the Laplacian fantasy of deterministic predictability !!!

6 Laplace wrote: “ Such an intelligence would embrace in the same formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe & those of the lightest atom, for it NOTHING would be UNCERTAIN & the FUTURE as the PAST, would be PRESENT to its eyes. “

7 Edward N. Lorenz * Mathematical Puzzles * World War 2 * Meteorologist * 1960s

8 Lorenz’s TOY WEATHER * Royal McBee * System using 12 mathematical equations * 0.506127 ≈ 0.506


10 Lorenz’s ATTRACTOR * More Simple system using Only 3 non-linear equations. * The Water Wheel * ORDER arises from CHAOS

11 A thing of BEAUTY !!!

12 So What’s CHAOS ? Apparent Lack of Order in a system that obeys particular laws or rules. 1- Systems no matter how complex they may be, rely upon an underlying order 2- Sensitive dependence on initial conditions.

13 CHAOS Applications !! 1- Physiology of the Heart 2- The cell: Young & Old Dr. Mohamed EL Nasha2y (El Ahram, Tuesday 20 th Of November 2007)

14 3- The Butterfly Effect movie Consider your LIFE a CHAOTIC system !!! Starring: *Ashton Kutcher *Amy Smart

15 4- Chaos movie Things are not what they Appear to be, nor they are Otherwise Starring: * Ryan Philippe * Jason Statham * Wesley Snipes

16 So, According to James Gleick, author of Chaos: Making a New Science, CHAOS is “ a revolution not of technology, like the laser revolution or the computer revolution, but a revolution of IDEAS “

17 CHAOS seems to be everywhere !!! CHAOS has changed from a little-known theory to a full science of its own !!! CHAOS breaks across the lines that separate scientific disciplines !!! CHAOS theory has changed the DIRECTION of Science !!! Where CHAOS begins, Classical science STOPS !!!!

18 REFRENCES ابلابل j1- Chaos: Making a New Science Author: James Gleick 2- The Butterfly Effect MOVIE 3- Chaos MOVIE 4- Journal OF Atmospheric Sciences Volume 20, March 1963 Deterministic NonPeriodic Flow by Edward N. Lorenz

19 Made by: Rowan Mohamed Ahmed Faculty of Pharmacy Presented by: 1- Rowan Mohamed Ahmed Faculty of Pharmacy 2- Mazen Mohamed Ahmed Faculty of Engineering Groups: - Serendipity - 5 points

20 Thanks For your Attention

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