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ICS Physics Review Questions. Rules The class will be divided evenly into 2 teams (left and right of the class). One person from each team will compete.

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Presentation on theme: "ICS Physics Review Questions. Rules The class will be divided evenly into 2 teams (left and right of the class). One person from each team will compete."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICS Physics Review Questions

2 Rules The class will be divided evenly into 2 teams (left and right of the class). One person from each team will compete to answer the question. The first to raise their hand gets to state their answer. If they are wrong, the person on the opposite team will get one chance to select another answer. Only the 2 people competing can answer, if an answer is said aloud from someone not competing the point will not be awarded and may even be given to the opposite team. Every person must compete when it is their turn. Points will be tallied on the board and the team with the most points will be declared the winner.

3 PAY CLOSE ATTENTION The questions on this review are very similar to the questions you will face on your semester exam. If you don’t know the majority of these answers…you have A LOT of studying to do! The competition will begin with the next slide, so be prepared…

4 What is the main difference between the two categories of wave types? a) The frequency is higher in compression waves b) Only transverse waves can be observed c) The energy motion compared to the medium. d) Transverse waves have lower frequencies.

5 To find the velocity of a wave you can … – A) know its speed and direction – B) divide the distance traveled by the time it took – C) use the formula v= ʎf – D) all of the above

6 The distance from “B” to “F” is known as … a) An amplitude b) A wavelength c) A frequency d) A rarefaction

7 The height from the center line up to point “B” is called … a) a trough b) The amplitude c) The frequency d) The wavelength

8 This drawing could represent which of the following waves? a) A light wave b) A sound wave c) A “P” wave d) A compression wave

9 Which of the following E.M. waves has the longest wavelength? – A) microwave – B) gamma rays – C) visible light – D) radio

10 Sound is an example of which type of wave? – A) transverse – B) compression – C) longitudinal – D) both “B” and “C”

11 If a wave traveled 200 meters in 5 seconds, what was its velocity? – A) 1000 m/s – B) 250 m/s – C) 50 m/s – D) 40 m/s

12 The sound created by the car is experienced differently for each person. This is because when the wavelengths become shorter … a) The pitch becomes lower b) The frequency becomes higher c) The velocity becomes higher d) The frequency stays the same

13 The white light reflecting off of the thin grating separates the different wavelengths within the visible spectrum. This example is best described as … a) refraction b) repulsion c) differentiation d) dispersion

14 The speed of E.M. waves in space is … – A) 3 x 10 3 m/s – B) 3 x 10 8 m/s – C) 8 x 10 3 m/s – D) 8 x 10 8 m/s

15 Which medium would sound travel fastest through? – A) water – B) air – C) metal – D) plasma

16 Why do tuning forks always produce the same pitch when struck? a) The frequency gets higher between rarefactions b) The wavelengths change rapidly c) The wavelengths are always the same size d) The Doppler Effect causes it

17 If 6 waves passed by a point in a second and each had a wavelength of two meters, what was the velocity? – A) 3 m/s – B) 9 m/s – C) 12 m/s – D)18 m/s

18 This is an example of… a) dispersion b) refraction c) diffraction d) Doppler effect WATER AIR Observer True Fish False Fish

19 Light waves and sound waves have the tendency to travel through small openings and spread out evenly in all directions. This is because they… a) reflect b) refract c) diffract d) disperse

20 Sound does not travel through space because… – A) it is a transverse wave – B) there aren’t atoms to pass on the vibrations – C) there’s no one to hear it – D) all of the above

21 Why do compasses point north? – A) The north pole of the magnet in the compass is attracted to the magnetic north pole of the world. – B) Compasses are effected by the EM waves traveling through space. – C) The north pole if the compass magnet is attracted to the magnetic south pole of the world. – D) Compasses influence the magnetic polarity of the Earth.

22 What two things can a guitarist do to create highest pitch from a guitar string? – A) Lengthen the vibrating part of the string and loosen the string. – B) Shorten the vibrating part of the string and tighten the string. – C) Shorten the vibrating part of the string and loosed the string. – D) Lengthen the vibrating part of the string and tighten the string.

23 As shown in this diagram, if the pitch of a sound is lower, the wavelengths are… a) periodic b) longer c) shorter d) unpredictable

24 Which person will hear the lowest pitch? – A) the woman on the left – B) the cop in the car – C) the man on the right – D) they all hear the same pitch

25 The optical illusion shown in this picture is caused by … a) dispersion b) diffraction c) refraction d) reflection

26 When moving through the same medium, all E.M. waves have the same… – A) wavelength – B) speed – C) frequency – D) energy

27 If light was traveling through air into a different medium, which option below would cause the greatest amount of refraction? – A) glass – B) plasma – C) water – D) diamond

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