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Phrases and Cadences Notes in a melody fall into ‘phrases’. A phrase is like a sentence in a story. A cadence is the movement from the second- last chord.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrases and Cadences Notes in a melody fall into ‘phrases’. A phrase is like a sentence in a story. A cadence is the movement from the second- last chord."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrases and Cadences Notes in a melody fall into ‘phrases’. A phrase is like a sentence in a story. A cadence is the movement from the second- last chord to the last chord of a phrase – to finish the phrase off. Cadences are often referred to as musical punctuation i.e. commas and full stops.

2 Phrases A phrase is like a musical sentence. There should be clear phrases in a melody. Phrases are usually two or four bars long. They are marked with a curved line called a phrase mark that goes above the stave.

3 Cadences Cadences emphasise the end of a phrase. A cadence is the shift between the second- last chord and the last chord in a phrase. The effect you get from shifting between the two chords works like a comma or a full stop. It underlines the end of a phrase and gets you ready for the next one.

4 Cadences There are 4 types of cadence. These pairs of chords are only cadences when they come at the end of a phrase. Anywhere else in a phrase, they are just chords.

5 Four Cadences Second last Chord Last ChordName of cadence Chord VChord I PERFECT Chord IVChord I PLAGAL Chord I, II or IV Chord V IMPERFECT Chord VChord VI INTERRUPTED

6 Perfect Cadence A perfect cadence makes a piece of music feel finished or complete. It works like a full stop. It goes from chord V to chord I e.g. in C major that’s a G chord to a C chord.

7 Plagal Cadence A plagal cadence sounds different from a perfect cadence but has a similar effect i.e. it makes a piece of music sound finished. Plagal cadence is used at the end of hymns – it is sometimes called the ‘Amen’ cadence. Chord IV – Chord I (F chord – C chord in C major)

8 Plagal cadence

9 Imperfect and Interrupted Cadences Imperfect and interrupted cadences are used to end phrases but not at the end of a piece. They work like commas – they feel like a resting point but not an ending.

10 Imperfect Cadence An imperfect cadence goes from chord I, II or IV to V. Sounds like the phrase is incomplete and it is going to carry on, i.e. a pause, a comma.

11 Interrupted Cadence An interrupted cadence chord V can go to any chord except chord I, usually chord VI. You expect it to go to chord I but it doesn’t. Instead it sounds interrupted or like a shock.

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