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Behaviors, Attitudes and Skills Required for Positive Interactions with Others.

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1 Behaviors, Attitudes and Skills Required for Positive Interactions with Others

2 Ethical Behavior  Integrity refers to one’s honesty and trustworthiness in a situation.  Professional ethics refers to behavior that is appropriate and conforms to professional standards and codes.

3 Types of Ethical Behavior Expected in the Workplace  Responsibility  Honesty  Confidentiality

4 Unethical Behaviors  Substance Abuse  Theft  Sick Leave Abuse  Gambling

5 Etiquette/Responsible Behavior  Etiquette: Refers to socially acceptable behavior that is context and situation specific. Refers to socially acceptable behavior that is context and situation specific. Something considered proper etiquette in one situation may not be considered proper etiquette in another.Something considered proper etiquette in one situation may not be considered proper etiquette in another. Examples: dining etiquette, golfing etiquette, office etiquette etc.Examples: dining etiquette, golfing etiquette, office etiquette etc.

6 Alcohol: Fact or Myth Quiz  1. Girls can’t “keep up” when it comes to drinking alcohol…..  2. I’m in control when I’m drunk…..  3. If someone passes our from drinking, it’s o.k. to let him or her sleep it off…..  4. As long as you’re eating while you’re drinking, you won’t get drunk….

7 Alcohol Quiz  5. One or two drinks will not affect a person’s driving ability….  6. Drinking coffee or taking a cold shower reduces intoxication…..  7. Your mood plays an important role in the way alcohol affects you….  8. I’m more appealing to others when I’ve been drinking….

8 Fundamental(School) Skills  There is a strong relationship between the skills you need to do well in school and those you need to do well in the workplace. Computer skills Computer skills Leadership Skills Leadership Skills Learning Skills Learning Skills Problem Solving Skills Problem Solving Skills Teamwork Skills Teamwork Skills

9 Time Management/Organizational Skills  Time management means knowing the difference between important and urgent.  Organizational skills helps organize your life in a way that works for you. Your organizational style is your own.

10 Communication Skills  The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others.

11 Active Listening  Active Listening – means really listening – not just with your ears, but with your whole mind and body.

12 Active Listening  Reflecting: repeat back to the speaker what you think you heard, using basically the same words.  Paraphrasing: Put what you heard into your own words, and say them back.  Clarifying: Ask for more details.  Reflecting Feelings: Identify the emotion of the speaker and express it.

13 Body Language  Body Language – using body movements or gestures to communicate.

14 Stress Management  Stress is the wear and tear our bodies experience as we adjust to out continuously changing environment.

15 Negotiating Skills  To work things out with others to reach an agreement.  Majority Rule – where more than half the people get what they want, and the rest lose.  Consensus – unanimous agreement among a group of people.

16 Habits  A habit is something that you do without thinking e.g musicians, professional sports

17 Unit 2 Summary –Who Am I?  Self-Awareness  Interests  Skills  Abilities/Multiple Intelligence  Learning Styles  Values  Influences

18 Unit 2 Summary (Con’t)  Time Management  Teamwork Skills  Stress Management  Positive Skills – Habits  Positive Interactions with Others

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