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Danger Signs of Reading From pages 1069-1074. LEARNING TARGET I can identify the danger signs of reading. I can practice ways to improve reading comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "Danger Signs of Reading From pages 1069-1074. LEARNING TARGET I can identify the danger signs of reading. I can practice ways to improve reading comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danger Signs of Reading From pages 1069-1074

2 LEARNING TARGET I can identify the danger signs of reading. I can practice ways to improve reading comprehension and fluency. (Close reading strategies)

3 Danger Sign 1 You can’t remember what you read. TRY THIS: Don’t read from beginning to end without pausing. Set up check points for yourself (every few pages) Ask self- “What is happening now?” “What do I not understand?”

4 Danger Sign 2 You don’t “see” what you are reading. Visualizing is important for comprehension. TRY THIS: Read a few sentences; pause, describe what is happening on the page. Make a graphic representation of what is happening as you are reading. Discuss a scene or part of a chapter with a buddy. Read aloud.

5 Danger sign 3 You constantly answer “I don’t know” to questions about what you’ve read. TRY THIS: PAUSE SEVERAL TIMES WHILE READING TO- Predict, connect, clarify, question, and visualize as you read.


7 One danger sign of reading is when you do not remember what you have read


9 Another danger sign of reading is when you can not visualize what you have read


11 Another danger sign of reading is when you do not like a book you are reading


13 Strategies to Overcome

14 THINK ALOUD Read a section of the text aloud to a partner. Pause to make comments and ask yourself questions about what you have read. Your partners job is to tally your comments and classify each according to the list of – “predict, connect, clarify, question, and visualize.

15 RETELLING While thinking aloud you can “retell” parts of what you are reading to keep you focused. TO DO THIS FOLLOW THESE STEPS: 1. State what text you are retelling. 2. Give character names and explain who they are. 3. Use first, second, third, etc… to put events in order 4. Explain the conflict and resolution 5. Explain what you liked and didn’t like about the reading

16 SUMMARIZING List the main ideas of a work and put into paragraph form

17 TARGET CHECK Move to your partner and complete a “THINK ALOUD” on the provided passage. Teacher will observe and you will complete a self-assessment (provided by the teacher) Read a section of the text aloud to a partner. Pause to make comments and ask yourself questions about what you have read. Your partners job is to tally your comments and classify each according to the list of – “predict, connect, clarify, question, and visualize.

18 THINK ALOUD Read the passage Be sure to “question” aloud and “visualize” as your partner tallies your “thinking aloud” comments and questions on a sheet of paper. Self-Assessment EXIT SLIP: Is the “think aloud strategy” something I could use to improve my reading skills? EXPLAIN…” (No answers will be accepted without an explanation) (DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP THE HOMEWORK- DUE IN CLASS FRIDAY)

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