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A T HOUSAND S PLENDID S UNS B Y : K HALED H OSSEINI Created by: Madison Ross Hour: 1.

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Presentation on theme: "A T HOUSAND S PLENDID S UNS B Y : K HALED H OSSEINI Created by: Madison Ross Hour: 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 A T HOUSAND S PLENDID S UNS B Y : K HALED H OSSEINI Created by: Madison Ross Hour: 1

2 R EVIEW I really enjoyed this book because the characters really inspired me. It constantly kept a hold of my attention and kept me wondering what would happen to the characters next.

3 M AIN C HARACTERS Mariam Protagonist, very quiet, married to Rasheed Laila Protagonist, intelligent, speaks her mind Second wife of Rasheed Rasheed Antagonist, controlling, abusive

4 S ETTING Early 1960’s to the early 2000’s Set in Herat, Afghanistan Gul Daman, Afghanistan Kubal, Afghanistan Murree, Pakistan

5 P LOT : P ART O NE A Thousand Splendid Suns, is a story of two women’s hard lives in Afghanistan. Mariam was born an illegal child and was forced to marry Rasheed, an abusive husband at age 15. Rasheed is abusive and a horrible man. Laila is an attractive girl who was born to educated parents and had a good childhood.

6 P LOT : P ART T WO In the war, a rocket destroyed Laila's home and killed her parents. This tragedy an unexpected pregnancy forces Laila to become Rasheed's second wife. After an initial rivalry, Mariam and Laila become best friends and fight life together. The two women must overcome huge life obstacles to survive.

7 C ONFLICTS Unfair treatment of women Mariam and Laila aren’t treated equally because of their gender. Told who they will marry Abusive husbands Rasheed abuses his wives

8 T HEME Women Strength Shown by both Laila and Mariam They always have to protect themselves No matter what, they persevere Most prevalent theme in the book

9 R ESOLUTION In the end, Mariam is arrested for murdering Rasheed in order to protect Laila. Laila leaves Kabul and goes to Pakistan with Tariq and her children. Later, when she returns, she creates a better home and a new school for her children and the children of the orphanage.

10 A UTHOR ’ S S TYLE A NALYSIS Page 412Page 413

11 S OURCES "Afghanistan: Samangan School Girls." Afghanistan: Samangan School Girls. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. AP408-Booktalk - A Thousand Splendid Suns. Digital image. AP408-Booktalk - A Thousand Splendid Suns. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. Glogster Home Page. N.d. Photograph. Glogster. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2013. A Thousand Splendid Suns. N.d. Photograph. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.

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