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Key points to note this year: Survey live 8am Tuesday 20 th November (closes Friday 14 th December) Test survey has orange background, live survey is grey!

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Presentation on theme: "Key points to note this year: Survey live 8am Tuesday 20 th November (closes Friday 14 th December) Test survey has orange background, live survey is grey!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key points to note this year: Survey live 8am Tuesday 20 th November (closes Friday 14 th December) Test survey has orange background, live survey is grey! ( last year several schools still used the test survey with the pupils!) You will need to get ICT technicians to add the link to your Y4,5,6 desktop Survey will provide schools with a wide range of invaluable baseline data to measure success of HS planning for change projects in future! Safe and Well School Survey 2012

2 Tell parents and carers you are carrying out the survey and why ( they can ask for their child not to be included) share purpose for collecting the data with the class including WHAT HAPPENS TO DATA before they complete the survey show pupils all the questions and how to complete on a electronic whiteboard using test survey possible key questions need talking through before hand, such as Which of these ethnic backgrounds do you come from? all pupils will need a copy of their postcode to hand If possible give small groups adult support to complete survey All Y4, 5, 6 pupils should complete survey if possible- the wider the sample, the more useful the data Be aware that this survey could raise difficult issues for some children and make sure staff are on the lookout for this Best practise for administering test


4 Using the SAWSS Data Highlight the all the positives (e.g x % below citywide bullying, 98% children feel safe at our school) at staff meetings, in assemblies, in newsletters or parent noticeboards Make sure that the SAWSS feeds into your HS action plan, and use data to plan for health related changes Work with school council to action plan for less positive results (e.g. any areas where pupils may feel unsafe at school, or unhealthy eating patterns ) New Ofsted framework, - the behaviour and safety of pupils at the school – your SAWSS data can provide info on this and can be broken down further so you can look at specific groups at your school

5 Survey links for your school will be emailed out soon let know if you do not received this Survey closes 14th th December- email consultation@brighton- when your school have finished the surveyconsultation@brighton- individual reports to schools by end of February 2013 (sent to head teachers) After this point, schools can request a further breakdown of their data to look at specific years or groups of pupils – take up this opportunity as the data is really useful for SEF, Ofsted, Planning for change work Timeline for SAWSS

6 Antibullying Week 2012 “We’re better without bullying !” Use your data to ensure your theme address your school’s issues around bullying: Go back to last years survey and see what type of bullying was an issue for your school Make this your focus for Antibullying week…

7 Lat year, Citywide, the most common form of bullying was name calling( 58%), and this was predominantly to do with appearance (25%). Name calling around gender/sexuality (15%) and academic ability( 15%) were next highest. How could we tackle these types of bullying through our anti bullying week theme?

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