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By Luke Tyrrell. Gold is used for many things. It is used for Golden rings.

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Presentation on theme: "By Luke Tyrrell. Gold is used for many things. It is used for Golden rings."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Luke Tyrrell

2 Gold is used for many things. It is used for Golden rings.

3 Gold is used for medals.

4 Gold is used for Gold coins.

5 Symbol for gold.  The symbol for gold is Au.  It is a element number 79 on the periodic table.  It is metal.

6 Where is gold found?  Gold is found throughout the earth and sea but there are natural spots where we can recover much higher concentrations of this yellow metal. Gold is typically found associated with quartz veins which are located in rock and granite.

7 What was the biggest gold nugget found?

8 Alaska  294.10 Troy Ounces The largest gold nugget ever was found in Alaska. It was found near the city of Ruby, Alaska in 1998 by a miner as he operated his bulldozer. The nugget rolled off the pile of dirt ahead of the bulldozer blade. This nugget was sold and the current location is unknown.

9 Gold is found…  Gold is found in two forms. Lode deposits are found deep within hardrock. Placer deposits are buried under soil or debris, usually near water. Africa, the Americas, Asia and Australia are major centers of gold output.

10 Gold in the United States.  Naturally occurring gold can be found in almost all fifty states. This gold may be still embedded in rock, known as "lode gold", or it may have been deposited in a placer (a natural concentration of gold particles in sand or gravel bars) after weathering from the host rock -- or it may be found in plant tissues, or seawater, or even present in minute quantities in beach sand.

11 Gold Continued…  (Gold is found in copious amounts on Alaska beaches and even in Oregon.) If your interest in gold is more than academic, the trick is to find locations with enough gold to make it worthwhile to try to recover some of it.

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