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If you were absent, the story and worksheet are in the pick up bin at the round table.

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Presentation on theme: "If you were absent, the story and worksheet are in the pick up bin at the round table."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you were absent, the story and worksheet are in the pick up bin at the round table.

2 You need to be sitting in your assigned seats (where you are now) so that the sub can take attendance. You will need to turn in your homework at the beginning of class and your KWL at the end of class. No turning your homework in at the middle or end. There is absolutely no use of cell phones, especially during channel one time. You need to watch channel 1. You may only leave the room if you have your handbook and one of the passes I gave you the first day of school. Also, no talking during the movie. The sub has the right to issue detentions, take phones, and write down names. Which means when I get back you will be on the step process.

3 If you have a D or an F, you need to have your progress report signed by a parent/guardian and returned for Friday. I have the names of the students I am expecting signatures from.

4 Close Read

5 1. The four original gods are referred to as unborn. What does unborn mean? They were the first gods and were not born from anything else because nothing was in existence. 2. Identify the four original unborn gods and their powers. The four unborn gods are chasm (god of chaos), Gaia (god of earth, land), Tartara (god of the underworld), and Eros (god of love). 3. Define Anthropomorphic. Anthropomorphic is any non-human thing that has the characteristics that human beings are known for having.

6 4. Pick one anthropomorphic trait the gods have and use textual evidence from the article to support your answer. Gods has the trait of paranoia by worrying that if they mated with another god they would create too powerful an offspring. 5. What are the two ways gods could create offspring? What else did gods create and why? They created offspring both with and without a partner. Sometimes they created monsters and creatures, mating with those to create half god/half monster offspring. 6. Why did gods prefer to create offspring independently? Gods wanted offspring independently because of their need for power. They didn’t want offspring to be too powerful by coming from two gods. 7. Where did Uranus hide his children? Uranus hid his children in a cave on earth.

7 8. What caused the separation between the Earth and the Sky? Kronos cut his father’s genitals off, causing the separation. 9. Hypothesize: Why did Kronos repeat his father’s mistakes of jealousy? Kronos is anthropomorphic and therefore acts before he thinks. He also let power go to his head. 10. How did Rhea trick Kronos? Use textual evidence to support your answer. Rhea used a rock wrapped in a blanket to spare Zeus. 11. What were the two teams of gods and who were their leaders? The two teams were the Olympians, headed by Zeus, versus the Titans, headed by Kronos.

8 12. What gift was Zeus given? Zeus was given the power of the thunderbolt. 13. Paraphrase the main events in paragraph eleven. Zeus was allowed to have multiple wives. His first wife was Metis. He was warned not to mate with her but did anyway. He swallowed her before she gave birth. She still gave birth and the child popped out of Zeus’ forehead. The child, Athena, was his favorite because he believe he birthed her. 14. Why did Zeus want to create humans? What does this tell you about Zeus’ personality? Zeus created humans for entertainment. Zeus likes control, power, and doesn’t have morals. 15. Identify and describe the five versions of humans and their characteristics. The Golden Race was too pure. The Silver Race was too stupid. The Brass Race was too victorious and war-loving. The Heroic Race was too perfect. The Iron Race was just right ;) and is the version that still exists today.

9 Question 1: Which of the following was not an unborn god? A. Tartara B. Hades C. The god of love D. Chasm

10 Question 2: Which quality of Zeus is anthropomorphic? A. His thunderbolt B. His brothers with 100 arms and 50 heads C. His powers to free his imprisoned siblings and defeat his father, Kronos. D. His need for power by choosing a bunch of wives.

11 Question 3: Kronos cut the bond between which of the following? A. Earth and Sky B. Heaven and Earth C. Heaven and Hades D. Earth and the Underworld

12 Question 4: Which race is the version of humans that still exists today? A. Heroic B. Brass C. Iron D. Golden

13 Question 5: Which statement regarding the Olympians versus the Titans is true? A. Zeus led the Titans, while Uranus led the Olympians B. Kronos led the Titans, while Zeus led the Olympians C. Uranus led the Olympians, while Kronos led the Titans D. Tartara led the Titans, while Zeus led the Olympians

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