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Articles of Confederation 1781-1789 ©2012, TESCCC Grade 08, Unit 04 Lesson 01.

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Presentation on theme: "Articles of Confederation 1781-1789 ©2012, TESCCC Grade 08, Unit 04 Lesson 01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Articles of Confederation 1781-1789 ©2012, TESCCC Grade 08, Unit 04 Lesson 01

2 Yay! We are free! ©2012, TESCCC

3 LooseDescribe the opposite of a confederation. Why did the colonists prefer a weak central government instead of a strong central government? Confederation: Central government has limited power and the states hold most of the power ©2012, TESCCC

4 Colonists vs. Great Britain American Revolution Self-Governance Independent Articles of Confederation U.S. Constitution ©2012, TESCCC

5 Who should have more power? The states or the national/central government? A dilemma our country still struggles with even today ©2012, TESCCC

6 Articles of Confederation 1781-1789 Can you predict what replaced the Articles of Confederation? Why did it need to be replaced? Second Continental Congress ©2012, TESCCC

7 Articles of Confederation: Strengths Wage war Issue money Sign treaties (make peace) Set up post offices Appoint ambassadors Settle conflicts between states ©2012, TESCCC

8 Articles of Confederation: Weaknesses No President (Executive) No national army only state militias No national/federal court No power to enforce laws (regulate trade) No power to tax States were sovereign One vote per state regardless of the state population 9/13 states to pass a law 13/13 states to amend (make changes) ©2012, TESCCC

9 Overview/Review ©2012, TESCCC

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