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David Yeoell Head of Infrastrcuture and Asset Management, City of Westminster Chair LoTAMB LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "David Yeoell Head of Infrastrcuture and Asset Management, City of Westminster Chair LoTAMB LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Yeoell Head of Infrastrcuture and Asset Management, City of Westminster Chair LoTAMB LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

2 LoTAMB (LoTAG Asset Management Board) Was set up to:  Facilitate the preparation of a ‘joined-up’ bid to be made to the DoT for funding, and  Be responsible for distributing the funding in support of deserving areas of excellence in the field of ‘Asset Management’ LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

3  Co-ordinated LoTAG’s successful bid to DfT for ‘Element 2’ funding - £1m  Funding for asset management initiatives and projects that will benefit all London Boroughs & TfL  The governance structure :  ensures that funds are distributed in support of deserving areas of excellence in the field of ‘Asset Management’  Monitors delivery of selected initiatives and projects and sharing of current good practice LoTAMB (LoTAG Asset Management Board) LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

4 Includes a representative from:  TfL  ROADS 2010  LoBEG  LoLEG  LoHEG  LoDEG and  Two further LoTAG representatives (Honest Brokers!) LoTAMB LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

5  London-wide Skid resistance Policy (including Guidelines on High Friction Surfacing )  Asphalt Specification Handbook  Condition based Maintenance Management (LoBEG) – 3 Bids  Lighting MMP Framework & Value Management (LoLEG) – 2 Bids  Performance Benchmarking  ‘Adaptive Lighting’ (LoLEG)  SuDs Guidance – Imminent!  Guidance on Commuted Sums for Highways Maintenance LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

6  Manage Bids & Allocations  Monitor Spend & Progress on initiatives  Disseminate and share existing and new project details  Link to key other organisations  Provide an ‘Asset Management Forum’ LoTAMB Website Established to: LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

7 The LoTAMB vision: “ To establish London at the forefront of highway asset management, in the UK and internationally, and support all London highway authorities to develop and implement best practice in highway asset management” Has this been achieved? LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

8  Continue to support and advance Asset Management in London - Some funding remains (approx £200k)  LoTAMB needed to be re-focussed/re- freshed  The representatives to LoTAMB are virtually the same as the LoTAG Group 2 Steering Group LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

9 LoTAG Group 2 Meetings and LoTAMB Meetings are currently being held together (consecutively) on the same day. LoTAG fully supports an asset management approach and we want all highway infrastructure in London to benefit from it: by working together to support each other share good practice, and make a compelling London wide case for investing in our highway infrastructure All boroughs will be requested to submit an Asset Management Status Report alongside this year’s LIP submissions

10 LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015 The Asset Management Status Report will be a high level document, between 10 and 20 pages, that captures core asset management information including: Asset quantities Current asset condition/performance and target condition/performance Total (capital and operational) asset expenditure, and A statement on your asset management practices and a simple self assessment of your asset management maturity

11 LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015 This information will be used by LoTAG to: Build the evidence and compelling case for investment in London’s highways infrastructure that can be put to TfL and the DfT. In addition evidence can then also be submitted to Defra and EA in respect of drainage assets. Identify areas of good practice that can be shared across London and wider Identify areas where boroughs require support on asset management Drive continual improvement in asset management

12 LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015 LoTAG is requesting that all boroughs complete an Asset Management Status Report and submit it to LoTAG at the same time as their LIP submission to TfL in Sept/Oct 2015 This will act as a dry run to refine and improve the report ahead of 2016/17 when its submission may become a formal LIP requirement and be linked to funding settlements A draft template has been developed by LoTAG Group 2 and is being circulated for comment

13 LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015 LoTAG requires ‘support’ to ensure it is effective Funding is to be provided to fund a dedicated ‘resource’ to support the work of LoTAG to work closely with the LoTAG Group 2 Steering Group Support to the Sub-Groups (LoBEG, LoHEG, LoLEG & LoDEG) is also under consideration The LoTAMB Benchmarking Group should continue particularly as they provide the ‘core’ performance data that will be needed for the Asset Management Status Report

14  LoTAMB has been successful in advancing Asset Management in London  LoTAG Group 2 & LoTAMB Meeting in a more ‘joined up’ way  LoTAG supports an Asset Management approach  LoTAG supports the need for all Boroughs to provide an ‘Asset Management Status Report’ as a ‘dry run’ in 2015/16  LoTAG needs a dedicated support to ensure it continues to be effective LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

15 Thank You LoTAG Conference – 11 th May 2015

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