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Jesus Christ the Savior Chapter 12. Risen Christ Jesus rose and appeared to Mary Magdalene. Jesus then appeared to the 11 apostles, urging them to believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus Christ the Savior Chapter 12. Risen Christ Jesus rose and appeared to Mary Magdalene. Jesus then appeared to the 11 apostles, urging them to believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus Christ the Savior Chapter 12

2 Risen Christ Jesus rose and appeared to Mary Magdalene. Jesus then appeared to the 11 apostles, urging them to believe in him and his Resurrection. He sent them to carry to the work of salvation and liberation that he begun.

3 Ascension- Jesus' return in all his glory to his Father in heaven. - He remained with the apostles 40 days before he ascended into heaven. The angels, God's messengers, told the Apostles that jesus would come

4 Paschal Mystery Paschal Mystery- the suffering, death, Resurrection, and Ascension. - It was through the Paschal mystery that Jesus accpomplished his work of salvation. Two aspects: by his death- Christ liberates us from sin; by his Resurrection- he opens for us the way to a new life.

5 The life and mission of Jesus continue through each one of us, his disciples. Baptism gives each member of the Christian community the responsibility to participate in the mission of Jesus. Every one of us has gifts for building up the Body of Christ- the Church united together in Christ.

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