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Famous Myths & Legends in the English Speaking World.

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Presentation on theme: "Famous Myths & Legends in the English Speaking World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous Myths & Legends in the English Speaking World.

2 Nessie Loch Ness Monster Nessie Near Inverness, in a lake located in the Scottish Highlands. Scotland Scotland (United-Kingdom) A sea monster with a long neck which looks like a huge dinosaur.

3 The Michigan Dogman In the forest, near lakes. Michigan. (United-States) A creature with a man's body, a dog's head and walking on two legs. Attacks people.

4 The Amityville Horror The house at 112 Ocean Avenue On the south shore of Long Island, New York United States In December 1975, George and Kathleen Lutz and their children moved into 112 Ocean Avenue. After 28 days the Lutzes left the house, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal phenomena while living there.

5 The Beast of Bladenboro North Carolina, in the woods and forests United States A creature resembling either a bear or a panther. Also described as a kind of wildcat attacking people and animals.bearpanther

6 Borley Rectory ‘The most haunted house in England ’ In a desolate area near the east coast of England England England (United-Kingdom) The house was built on the site of an ancient monastery and the ghost of a sorrowful nun. An old story claimed that the nun had fallen in love with a monk from the Borley Monastery. The two had tried to elope together but had been quickly tracked down. The monk was executed and the nun bricked up in the cellars of the monastic buildings!

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