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Creation of the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission ( LPRBESC) March 2016 Flood Conference June 21, 2016 E. deEtte Smythe, Ph.D. St Tammany.

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Presentation on theme: "Creation of the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission ( LPRBESC) March 2016 Flood Conference June 21, 2016 E. deEtte Smythe, Ph.D. St Tammany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creation of the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission ( LPRBESC) March 2016 Flood Conference June 21, 2016 E. deEtte Smythe, Ph.D. St Tammany Parish Government

2 Pearl River Basin  Pearl River Basin Covers an area of about 7,800 square miles  490 miles long & divides into the Pearl River & the West Pearl River about 50 miles above the mouth  The last gauge in the network, USGS Gauge “Pearl River @ Pearl River,” is monitored by NWS- LMRFC & St Tammany Parish for flooding potential

3 Lower Pearl River Basin  The Lower Pearl River Basin, is just a tiny part of the full Basin  The majority Lower PR Basin water supply is above St. Tammany Parish  There are approximately 12,700 structures in the PRB below I-59 (approx. 9000 in LA and 3700 in MS), for which no forecast model is available.

4 Protecting A National Treasure  The Pearl River Basin contains one of the least-altered & pristine swamps in the nation  Covers an area of over 70,000 acres shared between MS & LA  One of the most species-rich river systems in the world o Supports nearly 140 types of fish (including Gulf sturgeon) o 40 species of freshwater mussels What can be done to address critical issues in the Lower Pearl Basin ?

5 Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission (LPRBESC) November 18, 2014 inaugural meeting Senate Resolution Nos. 159 & 152 (Crowe) Senate Resolution No. 123 (Hewitt)

6 Commission Members (or Designees)  2 Senators  2 Representatives  Secretary of DNR  Secretary of Wildlife & Fisheries  Secretary of LDEQ  President of Washington Parish  President of St Tammany Parish  4 Residents of St Tammany Parish o (appointed by Legislators representing that Parish)  3 Residents of Washington Parish o (appointed by Legislators representing that Parish)

7 Challenges & Concerns Discussed by LPRESC  Flooding  Hydrology & Water Management  Environment, Habitat & Water Quality  Recreation & Access

8 Flooding Concerns: Historical River Crests 21.05’ 4/1983 Flooding to approx. 5000 residents 19.22’ 4/1995 Flooding to approx. 5000 residents 19.2’ 4/2009 & 9/2012 20.35’ 3/2016 Significantly less flooding than 1983 event What has changed in the Lower Pearl Basin?

9 Flooding Concerns: Predictive Ability Lower Pearl River Watershed has changed March 2016 Flooding Prediction (bottom)

10 Subdivisions in W. Pearl River Basin Vulnerable to Flooding  Many roads & homes in St. Tammany Parish may also be inundated in events similar to 1983 river crest

11 Hydrology & Water Management  Control Structures o Stronger MOU with Ross Barnett Reservoir & State of MS for minimum discharge o Assessment of current functions of water management structures:  Walkiah Bluff & Pearl River Navigation Canal  Minimum Flows o Establish minimum flow in Pearl River (before splits) at USGS gauge @ Bogalusa  Log Jams, Shoaling & Siltation o Log jams have changed flow patterns & induced shoaling o Siltation in Lower Pearl Basin has increased due to dredging cessation (1989)  Pearl River Sill Removals o Proposed by LA Department of Wildlife & Fisheries to enhance Gulf Sturgeon habitat

12 Altered Hydrology: Log Jams Change Flow Patterns Log Jam at “Shoals” Water designed to divert to E. Pearl at Walkiah Bluff is now blocked by log jams Now diverts through Holmes Bayou & into Middle Pearl Reduces water available to the E. Pearl (critical to State of MS)

13 Environment, Habitat & Water Quality  Endangered Species o 90+ species of wildlife & fish o 40+ Plants  Turkey Habitat & Feral Hogs o LDWF restricts hunting in the PR WL Management Area (WLMA), because there are so few turkeys in the WLMA o Turkey population is a function of feral hogs & nesting season coinciding with spring floods  TMDLs & WQ o 82 impaired segments on draft 2014 303(d) list; 19 TMDLs in LA & 49 TMDLs in MS o Mercury in fish tissue, Turbidity & Sulfates dominate LA impairments o Good WQ is critical to species diversity & recreation

14 Propose: Lower Pearl River Basin Master Plan In order to quantify financial needs, the Lower Pearl River Basin Ecosystem Study Commission (LPRESC) must develop: –Mission Statement –Master Plan The LPRESC hopes funding will be available for development of a Lower Pearl River Basin Master Plan –Priorities –Fundable Components

15 Suggest: Pattern LPRB Master Plan After Atchafalaya Basin Program (ABP) Key plan features of ABP  Public Access  Environmental Easements  Water Management  Recreation A Pearl River Basin Plan may require additional features, including possibly extending the Basin boundary to include MS

16 LPRBESC draft Recommendations  Develop a Mission Statement  Assign lead agency and determine timeline for development of a Master Plan  Compile a list of essential stakeholders (federal, state, and local government agencies, NGOs and private citizens & businesses)  Lead agency will work with stakeholders to become the Master Plan Development Group o Define geographic area of interest of the Lower Pearl River Basin o Identify areas of concern which require study

17 LPRBESC draft Recommendations (con’t)  Hold a series of internal & public meetings to identify issues and the desired optimum future conditions for the Basin for each area of concern  Stakeholders will be assigned to committees to develop action plans to achieve the optimum future conditions related to their area of expertise & estimate funding requirements  The action plans would be compiled into a draft Master Plan for the Lower Pearl River Basin and presented for public comment  Final MP will be presented to LA & MS Legislatures and funding requested

18 Questions?

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