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Your Name Date Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] INSERT PICTURE OF YOUR STATE.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name Date Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] INSERT PICTURE OF YOUR STATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name Date Our 50 States: [Name of Your State] INSERT PICTURE OF YOUR STATE

2 State Flag Describe the flag and why this design was chosen for your state. Add a picture here.

3 This state became the _____ state in the United States in __________. The first Governor of the state was _________________. Statehood

4 State Nickname Tell what is the state’s nickname. Write a short explanation of how your state got this nickname.

5 Government National Government −Name the current United States Senators State Government −Name the current governor.

6 Capital and Major Cities What is the capital of your state? What part of the state is the capital located? Major Cities −What are some major cities in your state

7 Geography of (state) Region Highest point (include elevation) Lowest point (include elevation) States that boarder

8 Symbols of [name of your state] The state bird is: The state flower is: The state tree is: Add a picture here.

9 Symbols of [name of your state] Insert three other symbols for your state. Include pictures Add a picture here.

10 Industry List some important industries in the state

11 Weather The average high temperature in July is: The average high temperature in January is: The average yearly precipitation is:

12 You should really visit…. Tell of a place in your state people should visit. Why should they visit here.

13 You should really visit…. Tell of a place in your state people should visit. Why should they visit here.

14 Famous People Choose three well known residents of your state. Tell what they did to become famous.

15 Interesting facts Choose 5 interesting facts about the state – Can be about its history, people, places, events.

16 Works Cited List the resources you used for your research. This can include websites, books, or other information used.

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