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Datum Delft Shell Architecture. Contents Architecture, Design and Main Components  Components  Gui  Classes  Data Access Plugin  Models Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Datum Delft Shell Architecture. Contents Architecture, Design and Main Components  Components  Gui  Classes  Data Access Plugin  Models Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 datum Delft Shell Architecture

2 Contents Architecture, Design and Main Components  Components  Gui  Classes  Data Access Plugin  Models Integration Working Methodology Example Applications Code Overview 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -2

3 Delft Shell Graphical User Interface Delft Tools Framework – set of libraries SOBEK Plug-in Models, data & editors SOBEK Plug-in Models, data & editors Delft3D Plug-in Models, data & editors Delft3D Plug-in Models, data & editors Gis Plug-In Data & editors Gis Plug-In Data & editors TimeSeries Plug- In Data & editors TimeSeries Plug- In Data & editors Core IApplication, IPlugin, Project, Task, IModel, Utils Threading, Xml, IO and other utilities Gui IGui, IMenuItem, IToolBarItem, IView Data Objects IDataItem, Quantity ITimeSeries, IFunction … SOBEK Engine(s) F90 SOBEK Engine(s) F90 Delft3D Engine(s) F90 Delft3D Engine(s) F90 Data Access NHibernate Data Access NHibernate

4 1 januari 2008 Design & architecture of the DelftShell 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -4 Project Explorer Documents, tab-based Property Grid Logging Window Toolbars & Menus



7 ArcGIS

8 Linux

9 Data Access 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -9

10 Data Access 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -10

11 Data Access 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -11

12 Models Integration 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -12

13 Delftshell

14 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -14

15 Design class library for all specific entities used in Delft models domain (Domain-Driven Approach) 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -15

16 Working environment

17 Project Life Cycle (Rational)

18 Project Life Cycle (XP)


20 Move People Around Communication Pair programming (daily) Work Meetings Knowledge Management (wiki, blog, …) Presentations/Lectures about software technologies, results

21 Management Tools (Web-based)

22 Habitat 12 september 2007Positionering, branding en huisstijl Deltares -22














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