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Archetypes Comes from a Greek word meaning exemplary.

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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes Comes from a Greek word meaning exemplary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes Comes from a Greek word meaning exemplary

2 Archetypes An original model after which other similar things are patterned

3 Archetypes An image, story- pattern, or character type which recurs frequently in literature and which evokes strong, often unconscious, associations in the reader or audience.

4 Archetypes How many stories have you read where the hero is on a quest? How many stories have you read where the protagonist is a hero and has a mentor? How many stories have you read that involve some supernatural intervention?

5 The Quest The search for someone or something that brings good fortune (talisman), which, when found, will restore the homeland.

6 The Task To save the kingdom, win the fair lady, identify himself so he may take his rightful place in society.

7 The Initiation An adolescent comes to maturity and adulthood with all the attendant problems and responsibilities.

8 The Journey Sends the hero in search of information or intellectual truth.

9 The Fall Descent from a higher to a lower state of being; can involve spiritual defilement and/or loss of innocence and bliss.

10 Death and Resurrection Cycle of nature and the cycle of life; can use season of year, time of day, phase of moon to indicate what stage character is in.

11 Fight Between Good and Evil Between two primal forces for supremacy.

12 The Ritual The actual ceremonies that initiate experiences that mark the rite of passage into another state.

13 The Hero’s Journey


15 The Call to Adventure The hero receives a signal that he has outgrown his former life and is being summoned to his or her next stage of existence.

16 The Hero’s Journey Refusal of the Call The hero hesitates on the threshold of change.

17 The Hero’s Journey Supernatural Aid Someone in capacity of mentor provides the hero with tool(s) necessary for successful journey.

18 The Hero’s Journey Crossing the First Threshold The hero must overcome the guardian to the entrance of the zone of magnified power.

19 The Hero’s Journey The Belly of the Beast The hero is swallowed by something unknown to the outside world.

20 The Hero’s Journey The Road of Trials The hero must fight back through a gauntlet of ever greater challenges.

21 The Hero’s Journey The Meeting with the Goddess The triumphant hero is reunited with the earth mother.

22 The Hero’s Journey Atonement with the Father Using the hope derived from the goddess, the hero overcomes the terror of the initiation.

23 The Hero’s Journey The Ultimate Gift Having passed the initiation, the hero has unlocked secrets.

24 The Hero’s Journey Crossing of the Return Threshold The hero returns victorious; his success brings about positive change for his world.

25 COLORS as archetypes

26 Gray Security, reliability, intelligence, dignity, maturity, sadness, boredom

27 Gold/Yellow Joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, hope, sunshine

28 Red Excitement, energy, passion, speed, strength, power, love, danger, blood, war, violence

29 Blue Peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, innocence

30 White Purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace

31 Green Nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal – jealousy??

32 Purple Royalty, spirituality, nobility, wisdom

33 Black Power, formality, evil, death

34 Pink Combination of red (passion, blood) and white (innocence, purity)

35 Orange Energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy

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