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Created by: Chloe Bullard & Chandler Lowery Mrs. Garice Locklear.

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2 Created by: Chloe Bullard & Chandler Lowery Mrs. Garice Locklear

3 Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was born on March 15,1767. He was born at Waxhaw's region between North Carolina and South Carolina.

4 Andrew Jackson In April 1781, at the age of 13 Andrew Jackson joined the Continental Army. When a British officer ordered Jackson to polish his boots, he refused. So the officer slashed Jackson's left hand to the bone and cut his head.

5 Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson went to school and later in life became a lawyer. He worked as a clerk for a lawyer in Salisbury North Carolina. In 1791 Jackson married Rachel Donelson Robards. In 1796 Andrew Jackson help found the state of Tennessee. He worked as a public prosecutor and was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate.

6 Indian Removal Act In 1824 Andrew Jackson became the seventh President of the United States. On May 28, 1830 the Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson. This Act relocated a number of native tribes to Indian Territory that is now known as the state of Oklahoma.

7 Indian Removal Act A few tribes went peacefully, but Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears”.

8 Interesting Facts Andrew Jackson was known as the people's president. Jackson’s portrait appears on the $20 bill although he hated paper money. In the past has also appeared on $5, $10, $50 dollar bills. As a teenager, he gambled away all of his grandfather’s inheritance on a trip to Charleston, South Carolina. Jackson’s passion in life was racing and wagering on horses. He was the only president to have been a former prisoner of war.

9 Resting Place President Andrew Jackson died on June 8, 1845. He was buried in Davidson County Tennessee.

10 Reference fantastic-hints-jesus-was-the-trail-of-tears- know-about-andrew-jackson jackson/a-life-of-andrew-jackson.php ackson/essays/biography/2 social studies weekly newspaper

11 Thank You !!!!

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