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Chapter 8 Promoting Students’ Learning From the Textbook Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms Maria Rojas.

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1 Chapter 8 Promoting Students’ Learning From the Textbook Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms Maria Rojas

2 Overview about textbooks  The world of secondary students is one of immersion into expository texts.  Secondary students spend as much as 75% of classroom time interacting with textbooks.  Depending on the grade level of each is student, the use of the textbooks increases.  Some expository textbooks are better than others.

3 Strategies to make textbooks effective for ELN  Key 38: Use GOs to Make Relationships Explicit  Key 39: Explicity Teach Text Structure  Key 40: Use Accesible Digital Textbooks  Key 41: Preteach Vocabulary

4 Key 38 Use Graphic Oranizers to Relationships Explicit  The National Instute for Literacy identified Graphic Organizers as one instructional strategy that can help adolescents increase text comprehension.  Teachers should teach students how to use GOs to help organize concepts during and after reading.  GOs is a successful teaching strategy to improve conceptual understanding from different subjects.  GOs make relationships withing domain knowledge and discipline knowledge explicit.

5 Key 39 Explicity Teach Text structure  Meta-analysis of interventions produced benefits in reading comprehension for students with ELN.  Researchers have found that English language learners in middle schools and high schools benefited from explicit teaching of text structure.  There are five types of text structures. 1. Maind idea 2. List 3. Order 4. Compare and contrast 5. Classification

6 Key 40 Use Accessible Digital Textbooks  Digital textbooks include digital large-print e-books for students with low vision.  ELN students show more understanding and comprehension with digital books with audio. Inclusion excellent strategy 1. Perception is better with auditory input 2. Comprehension is more effective when the material is accesible 3. Frustration is avoided when confusion is eliminated

7 Key 41 Preteach Vocabulary  Students with ELN usually have poor vocabulary.  The National Instute for Literacy recommended that teachers preteach the difficult vocabulary that is encounter in textbooks.  Why is preteaching vocabulary a good strategy for ELN students? 1. Confunsion ends when the students begin reading with the big picture in mind 2. Frustration is prevented when confusión is not a problema 3. Completion of the reading assignment is more likely when students are not frustrated.

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