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Kelsey Beauregard. Teens can receive birth control with no consent. Lawful or unlawful? PARENTAL CONSENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Kelsey Beauregard. Teens can receive birth control with no consent. Lawful or unlawful? PARENTAL CONSENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kelsey Beauregard

2 Teens can receive birth control with no consent. Lawful or unlawful? PARENTAL CONSENT

3 Teens are curious about sexual intercourse and will experiment with or without contraceptives. If teens cannot access birth control on their own, there’s little chance they’ll ask for parental consent. PARENTAL CONSENT

4 Teens ages 13-15 ranked entertainment media as the leading source of information about sexuality and sexual health. Glamorous, fun, free of consequences MEDIA HAS IMPACT

5 78 percent of pregnancies are unplanned. 30 percent end in abortion. 14 percent end in miscarriage. Within 24 months about 1/4 of teen’s moms have a second child. 80 percent of unmarried teen mothers end up on welfare. STATISTICS SHOW

6 Educate teens about sexual intercourse and the risks and benefits of everything involved. EDUCATION

7 Birth control is reliable, but not 100 percent. Male condoms have a failure rate of 8 percent Female condoms have a failure rate of 21 percent. Sterilization is very reliable but permanent. HOW RELIABLE?

8 The United States spends on average about 7 billion dollars each year on teen pregnancies. Why take away teens rights to get birth control if not only it will help teens, but it will help the United States as a whole. UNITED STATES

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