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Optimization and Stability in Games with Restricted Interactions Reshef Meir, Yair Zick and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein CoopMAS 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimization and Stability in Games with Restricted Interactions Reshef Meir, Yair Zick and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein CoopMAS 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimization and Stability in Games with Restricted Interactions Reshef Meir, Yair Zick and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein CoopMAS 2012

2 Lecture content Coalitional (TU) games Restricted cooperation The Cost of Stability Main result: a bound on the CoS Discussion

3 TU Games - Notations Agents: N = (1,…, n ) Coalition: S µ N Characteristic function: v : 2 I → R A TU game is simple, if every coalition either wins or loses, i.e. v : 2 I → {0,1} A TU game is monotone, if the value of a coalition can only increase by adding more agents to it

4 TU Games – notations (2) A TU game is superadditive (SA), if there is positive synergy. That is, v ( S [ T ) ≥ v ( S ) + v ( T ) for disjoint S,T. No need to consider coalition structures Results can be generalized Every game has a superadditive cover

5 Weighted Voting Games (WVG) A class of simple TU games Each agent has a weight w i 2 R A game has a quota q 2 R G = [ w 1, w 2,…, w n ; q ] A coalition S wins if Σ i2S w i ¸q

6 Payoffs Agents may freely distribute profits. An imputation is a vector x = ( x 1,…, x n ) such that Σ i2N x i = v ( N ) Individual rationality: each agent gets at least what she can make on her own: x i ≥ v ({ i }) The payoff of a coalition x ( S ) is the sum of payments to its agents.

7 The Core The core is the set of all stable imputations: for all S µ N we have Σ i2S x i ¸ v ( S ) May be empty in many games: No stable imputations Example: G = [2,2,3;4] Computational questions: Is the core empty? Is the vector x in the core?

8 Restricted cooperation Some coalitions may be impossible or unlikely due to practical reasons an underlying communication network (Myerson’77). agents are nodes. A coalition can form only if its agents are connected. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 Restricted cooperation - example The coalition {2,9,10,12} is allowed The coalition {3,6,7,8} is not allowed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

10 Restricted cooperation increases stability Theorem [Demange’04] : If the underlying communication network H is a tree, then the core is non-empty. Moreover, a core imputation can be computed efficiently. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 What if the core is empty? A solution: subsidies Sometimes an external party is interested in the stability of a specific outcome Willing to spend money to increase stability

12 External Payments Originally, we divided v ( N ) between the agents. We increase the value of v ( N ), creating a “superimputation”: Division of the incremented value v ’( N )= α∙ v ( N ) Create a new game G (α) v(N)v(N) v(N)v(N)

13 The Cost Of Stability (CoS) Observation: With a big enough payment, every game can be stabilized α ≤ n The Cost of Stability (CoS) is the minimal subsidy α that stabilizes the grand coalition i.e. allows a non-empty core in G (α) Can also stabilize coalition structures (Bachrach et al., SAGT’09)

14 Back to our example G = [2,2,3;4] (core is empty) By distributing a total payoff of 1½ (rather than 1 ), the core of G (1½) is non-empty. x = (½, ½, ½) is a stable super-imputation. Thus CoS ( G ) ≤ 1½ Is this bound tight? A lower payment cannot stabilize the game Thus CoS ( G ) = 1½

15 Conceptual Issues How do properties of the game affect the CoS? Superadditivity, restricted cooperation, convexity… Can we stabilize other outcomes? A particular coalition, coalition structures…

16 Computational Issues How hard is computing the optimal coalitional structure? How hard is computing the CoS? How hard is checking whether a specific super-imputation is stable? The answer depends on game representation We assume oracle access to v ( S )

17 Bounds on the CoS In the general case can be as high as n For example, the WVG [1,1,1,…,1; 1] If G is superadditive, CoS ( G )≤√ n Easier to achieve cooperation If G is superadditive and symmetric, CoS ( G ) ≤ 2 Previous work Bachrach et al., SAGT’09 Meir et al., SAGT ‘10

18 CoS with restricted cooperation Recall that by [Demange’04] : if H is a tree, then the core is non-empty (i.e. CoS = 0 ). Sparse graphs  lower subsidies? Sparse graphs  easier computation? Theorem: If H contains a single cycle, then CoS ( G ) ≤ 2, and this is tight Previous work Meir et al., IJCAI ‘11

19 Graphs and tree-width Combinatorial measures to the “cyclicity” of a graph: Degree Path-width Tree-width … Many NP-hard combinatorial problems become easy when the tree-width is bounded. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1,2,3 2,4 2,5,9 5,9,10 5,8,10 5,6,8 6,7,8 9,11

20 Bounding the CoS Conjecture [MRM’11]: Let d be the maximal degree in H, then CoS ( G ) ≤ d Conjecture (fixed): Let k be the tree- width of H, then CoS ( G ) ≤ k There are games on a 3-dimensional grid (d = 6 ) with unbounded CoS

21 Main result Theorem: Let G be a superadditive game, then CoS ( G ) ≤ ( TW ( H ) + 1) ∙ log ( n ) Also, a stable payoff vector can be found efficiently

22 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z …

23 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z … ( k +1) v ( N )

24 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z … ( k +1) v ( N )

25 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z … f x z i j … ( k +1) v ( N ) + ( k +1)( v ( S 1 ) + v( S 2 ) + …) ≤ ( k +1) v ( N ) + ( k +1) v ( N ) + …

26 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z … f x z i j … We pay at most ( k +1) v ( N ) at each iteration

27 Proof a b c d a b e f c d i j b c k a d l m a b x y z … f x z i j … We repeat at most log (| T |) ≤ log ( n ) times

28 Discussion The CoS depends on the tree-width of the underlying graph New results… Bounded tree-width does not facilitate computations (e.g. Greco et al.’11)

29 For more information:

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