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Enjoying your home The new words bricks a roof a chimney stairs a door a window.

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Presentation on theme: "Enjoying your home The new words bricks a roof a chimney stairs a door a window."— Presentation transcript:


2 Enjoying your home



5 The new words bricks a roof a chimney stairs a door a window


7 Jill and Jim lives in this house 1.Hall 2.Kitchen 3.Pantry 4.Living room 5.Bedroom 6.Bathroom 7.Toilet 8.Window 9.Wall 10. Door

8 Hall

9 Living room

10 Вedroom

11 Kitchen

12 Bathroom

13 Pantry

14 Do the task! LIVINGROOMWINDOWGARDENDOORBEDROOMKITCHENBATHROOM room 2.window 4.door 5.bedroom 7.bathroom

15 There is … There are… There is a TV in my room. There are many toys in my room.

16 There is a table in the room. There is a chair in the room. There is a cup on the table.

17 There are two armchairs in the room. There are two windows in the room.

18 Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка Виноградова Татьяна Борисовна г. Кимры Тверской области

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