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WHAT IS INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS? It is one’s creativity and engagement with stimulating mental activities It not only utilizes your own resources but.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS? It is one’s creativity and engagement with stimulating mental activities It not only utilizes your own resources but."— Presentation transcript:




4 WHAT IS INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS? It is one’s creativity and engagement with stimulating mental activities It not only utilizes your own resources but other learning resources to expand knowledge and to improve skills = participating in scholastic, cultural and community activities Includes the opportunities you take when problem-solving (and how you respond or react), opening your mind to new ideas, thoughts and cultures Includes thinking critically, seeking out new challenges and using your creative skills

5 WHAT IS INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS? Assimilating what you learn in the classroom with what you experience outside the classroom positively enhances your potential for living a more fulfilling life.

6 CRITICAL THINKING This involves questioning established ideas, creating new ideas and using information to solve problems (i.e. Backbone of College) Reasoning is used in pursuit of the truth Neurologically- when brain cells are stimulated = fiber-like branches (dendrites) grow Thus = increasing the # leads to increasing memory, attention span and the ability to learn

7 CRITICAL THINKING – DUAL SYSTEMS Brain research on advertising has revealed dual systems of emotional processing. - Messages can activate one or the other system and create either a positive or negative emotional association with an object. Dual systems = 1) provide internal checks and balances, leading to the pursuit of enjoyable activities and, (behavioral approach system) 2) put on the brakes on when individuals are about to get themselves into trouble. (behavioral inhibition system) Individuals who are too high on one system and too low on the other = may risk psychological problems, being vulnerable to depression and anxiety on the one hand or to excessive risk taking and antisocial behavior on the other.

8 CRITICAL THINKING The behavioral approach system activated by positive words, images, sounds, music, backdrop, tone of voice, etc. and the behavioral inhibition system activated by negative words, images, sounds, music, backdrop, tone of voice, etc. Different parts of the brain and different neurotransmitters are involved in each system. (example Dopamine creates a pleasurable emotional state to be welcomed.) American Journal of Health Education by American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; American Association for Health Education Copyright 2011. Reproduced with permission of AM ALLIANCE FOR HEALTH PHYS ED, RECREATION & DANCE in the format Textbook via Copyright Clearance Center.


10 CREATIVE THINKING This involves asking yourself “WHY?” and using divergent thinking = ability to discover many alternatives Creative thinking and critical thinking are closely related = if you think critically, you have the freedom to be creative and to generate new ideas Divergent thinking and creativity are important in generating alternatives necessary for effective problem solving AND for coming up with creative solutions to the challenges we all face in life.

11 LEARNING STYLE AND INTELLIGENCE A person has a unique learning style as they do a unique personality Learning style = your preferred way of learning = how you like to learn and how you learn best By understanding your learning style, you can maximize your potential and productivity by choosing the learning techniques that you prefer

12 LEARNING STYLE AND INTELLIGENCE Each individual has a unique learning style. There are no good or bad learning styles. Learning style is simply your preferred way of learning. It is how you like to learn and how you learn best. By understanding your learning style = can maximize your potential and productivity by choosing the learning techniques that work best for you. Productivity Environmental Preferences Survey (PEPS) = identifies 20 different elements of learning style and environment. - These elements include the immediate environment, emotional factors, sociological needs, and physical needs. (developed by Gary Price of Price Systems, Inc.)

13 LEARNING STYLE AND INTELLIGENCE Which do you prefer? Examples:

14 LEARNING TECHNIQUES It is important to connect specific learning strategies/techniques to your learning style It is powerful, for most, to combine differing techniques - If you become frustrated with a learning task, try a familiar technique first. - If that doesn’t work, experiment with different ways of learning

15 LEARNING TECHNIQUES Which techniques are most useful for you?

16 LEARNING TECHNIQUES Which techniques are most useful for you?

17 PERSONALITY & LEARNING PREFERENCES Learning preferences are also connected to personality type Extrovert, Introvert,Sensing, Intuitive, Thinking, Feeling,Judging or Perceptive Refer back to Chapter 4 Social Wellness = what you selected as a personality type (Extrovert, Introvert, Sensing, Intuitive, Thinking, Feeling, Judging or Perceptive This will help you as you complete this assignment:

18 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Harvard professor Howard Gardner = developed a theory of multiple intelligences as an alternative to traditional IQ tests (broader and more inclusive) He defined human intelligence = the human ability to solve problems or to design or compose something valued in at least one culture. Gardner identified 8 different intelligences: MUSICAL INTERPERSONAL SPATIAL LOGICAL-MATHEMATICALBODILY-KINESTHETIC LINGUISTIC INTRAPERSONALNATURALIST

19 MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Gardner selected these intelligences because an area of the brain represents them all AND are valued in different cultures Multiple intelligences = definition of learning style being put to work Developing intelligences is a product of 3 factors:

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