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Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Event and sponsorships are two constituent elements, Sponsorship involves two main activities: 1.An exchange.

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2 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Event and sponsorships are two constituent elements, Sponsorship involves two main activities: 1.An exchange between a sponsor (such as brand) and a sponsee (such as a music event) whereby the latter receives a fee and the former obtains the right to associate itself with the activity sponsored and 2.The marketing of the association by the sponsor. Both activities are necessary if the sponsorship fee is to be a meaningful investment.

3 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Event sponsorship Event sponsorship includes supporting many events, such as golf, tennis tournament, Olympics, entertainment, art cultural and many more. Thousands of companies invest in event sponsorships which is defined as a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful events or high interest public activity.

4 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Selecting sponsorship events A company sponsoring an event to develop relationships with consumers, enhance brand equity and strengthen ties with the trade. Successful event sponsorships require a meaningful fit among the brand, the event and the target market.

5 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Factor to consider: 1.Image matchup 2.Target audience fit 3.Sponsor misidentification 4.Clutter 5.Complement other marketing communication elements 6.Economic viability

6 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Creating customized events  Brand Activations Some companies develop their own events rather than sponsoring existing events. There are two major reasons that the company choose to customize their own events. First, it having a customized event provides a brand total control over the event. It removes the problem of clutter from too many sponsors and also developed to match perfectly the brand target audience and to maximize the opportunity to enhance the brand’s image and sales. Second, there is a good change that a specially designed events is more effective but less costly than a pre-existing event.

7 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Measuring success Many critics have claimed that sponsorship arrangements often involve little more that managerial ego trip, key executive sponsor high profile events as a means of meeting famous athlete or entertainers and gaining great tickets and luxurious accommodations.

8 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Measuring whether an event has been successful requires some ways: 1.Specify the objective that sponsor intended to accomplish. 2.There has to be a baseline against which to compare some outcome measure. This baseline is a pre-measure of brand awareness, brand associations, or attitudes prior to sponsoring an event. 3.Use a simple head count of how many people attended an event. The total cost of the event is then divided by the number of attendees to obtain a measure of efficiency. 4.Used measures include tracking sales volume following an event, determining how many hits to the brand’s website occurred post event.

9 Other Promotion Tools Event and Sponsorships Ambushing events A number of companies around the world engage in what is called ambush marketing, or simply ambushing. Ambushing take place when companies that are not official sponsors of an event undertake marketing efforts to convey the impression that they are.

10 Thank you

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