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T2K Experiment Results & Prospects Alfons Weber University of Oxford & STFC/RAL For the T2K Collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "T2K Experiment Results & Prospects Alfons Weber University of Oxford & STFC/RAL For the T2K Collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 T2K Experiment Results & Prospects Alfons Weber University of Oxford & STFC/RAL For the T2K Collaboration

2 FLASY 2014 Content Neutrino Oscillations –Introduction The T2K Experiment –Beam –Near Detector –Far Detector Results –Disappearance analysis –Appearance search Future potential –The hunt for CP-violation Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton 2

3 FLASY 2014 Neutrino Mixing The PMNS Matrix Assume that neutrinos do have mass: –mass eigenstates  weak interaction eigenstates –Analogue to CKM-Matrix in quark sector! weak “flavour eigenstates” Mass eigenstates m 1, m 2, m 3 Unitary mixing matrix: 3 mixing angles & complex phases Pontecorvo-Maki- Nakagawa-Sakata 3 Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

4 FLASY 2014 Oscillation Signatures Jun-2014 4 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton e appearance: determine  13 constrain  CP  disappearance: determine  23 and  m 2 32 Reconstructed ν Energy (MeV) Events Ratio of obs/expected

5 FLASY 2014 The T2K Experiment A Long-baseline Experiment to study neutrino oscillations –Baseline 295 km –Beam powerup to 230 kW –DetectorsNear and far Jun-2014 5 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

6 FLASY 2014 Producing Neutrinos 6 π→μν 118 m off-axis (2.5°) (30 GeV from MR synchrotron) 0º0º Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton Using NA61 data to constrain hadron production

7 FLASY 2014 Data Taken Data Set: 6.57 x 10 20 PoT (8% of design goal) Increase power in future –More protons / bunch –Higher repetition rate Jun-2014 7 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

8 FLASY 2014 ND280 detector Off-axis: ND280 –0.2 T magnet (UA1/NOMAD) –Plastic scintillator detectors: Fine Grained Detector (FGD), π 0 detector (P0D), ECals and SMRD, Time projection chambers (TPC) On-axis: INGRID 8 Jun-2014 νμνμ FGD2 TPC3 TPC2 TPC1 FGD1 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

9 FLASY 2014 Some ND distribution Select different event classes in near detector –Negative muon & something/nothing Constrains flux and cross section uncertainties Jun-2014 9 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton CC 1π + CC 0π CC Other BEFORE FIT AFTER FIT

10 FLASY 2014 Reduced Systematics Jun-2014 10 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

11 FLASY 2014 Far Detector Jun-2014 11 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

12 FLASY 2014 Far Detector Events Jun-2014 12 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

13 FLASY 2014 Electron Neutrino Appearance Event Selection –Fully contained, –no π 0 –No decay electrons Jun-2014 13 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

14 FLASY 2014 Appearance Result Jun-2014 14 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 061802 (2014)

15 FLASY 2014 Compare with Reactors Jun-2014 15 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton Comparing with reactor measurements best overlap is for the normal hierarchy δ cp =–π/2. Need to increase θ 23 to account for high event rate Note: Marginalized over  23 and  m 2 32 Lucky point!

16 FLASY 2014 Disappearance Measurement Jun-2014 16 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton Maximal mixing is not the same as maximum disappearance if θ 13 is not zero! 120 selected events

17 FLASY 2014 The World Scene Jun-2014 17 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton Best-fit ± FC 68% CL ( Δm 2 units 10 -3 eV 2 /c 4 ) NH sin 2 θ 23 0.514 +0.055 -0.056 Δm 2 32 2.51 ± 0.10 IH sin 2 θ 23 0.511 ± 0.055 Δm 2 13 2.48 ± 0.10

18 FLASY 2014 Putting it All Together Jun-2014 18 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

19 FLASY 2014 The width of the beam is comparable to the measured Gaussians in the previous runs. ND280 anti-ν event The detectors are all working well. Here is our first identified anti-neutrino event from an anti-neutrino test run! Measured with INGRID μ+μ+ Run Status Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton 19

20 FLASY 2014 Future Sensitivity No systematics 5% error on signal, 10% on background T2K best sensitivity: 50% ν/50% anti-ν Anti-nu running: large new physics program. 50% ν/50% anti-ν (true NH) 100% ν (true NH) 50% ν/50% anti-ν (true NH) w/ Reactor constraint 100% ν (true NH) w/ Reactor constraint “Lucky! ( + : Sin 2 2θ=0.1, δ CP =-90)” NH T2K: 50% ν/50% anti-ν Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton 20

21 FLASY 2014 Future Sensitivity (II) 50% ν/50% anti-ν (true NH) w/ Reactor constraint 100% ν (true NH) w/ Reactor constraint 100% ν (true NH) “Unlucky! ( + : Sin 2 2θ=0.1, δ CP =0)” Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton 21

22 FLASY 2014 T2K and NOvA T2K: 50% ν/50% anti-ν NH IH No systematics 5% error on signal, 10% on background Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton 22

23 FLASY 2014 Summary and Conclusion T2K has taken 8% of its nominal PoT World leading results –7.3σ electron neutrino appearance –Most precise measurement of θ 23 Combination with reactor measurements –Hint that δ CP = -π/2 Improved sensitivity with data to come –Can be lucky to “discover” CP violation More results to come –Cross sections, sterile neutrinos, exotics… Jun-2014 23 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

24 Backup

25 FLASY 2014 Who is Who Jun-2014 25 ν μ disappearance ν–less double beta decay Solar neutrino oscillation ν e disappearance inν μ beam Or reactor neutrino experiments ν e disappearance inν μ beam Or reactor neutrino experiments A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

26 FLASY 2014 Ubi es? 26 Normal Hierarchy or Inverted Hierarchy? Open questions: Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

27 FLASY 2014 NA61/SHINE hadron(π, K) yield –30 GeV p + C High-acceptance –ToFs and spectrometers 2cm thin target (4%λ I ) π + analysis: –dE/dx only analysis low momenta (Phys.Rev.C84.2011.034604) –dE/dx+ToF analysis high momenta (Phys.Rev.C85.2011.035210) 27 ~13m ~10m Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

28 FLASY 2014 Predicted Flux Primary pions modelled with NA61 data ν μ flux –Pions dominant at low energy –Kaons important in tail ν e flux –For low energy from muons 28 νμνμ νμνμ νeνe Jun-2014 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

29 FLASY 2014 CC Interaction Jun-2014 29 A.Weber, FLASY2014, Brighton

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