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Strategic Thinking for the 21 st Leader You must lead at a higher level for your company’s sustainability

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1 Strategic Thinking for the 21 st Leader You must lead at a higher level for your company’s sustainability

2 Who Are You 1.“He/she turns the most trivial condition into an exception opportunity.” 2.“He/she craves order and builds the house.” 3.“He/she takes things apart to put them back together.”

3 Kiddieville has tried different things, but not making a profit, close to tragedy. It tried selling disposable diapers, as a loss leader, but stopped when it became too expensive. It has experimented endlessly with pricing and promotion schemes. Its biggest competitor has a price advantage. It has tried upgraded store environment with added cost w/o adding sales. Describe the problem.

4 “He/she turns the most trivial condition into an exception opportunity.” The Entrepreneur “He/she craves order and builds the house.” The Manager “He/she takes things apart to put them back together.” The Technician

5 Two Sections in our Workshop Section One: To learn about four strategic thinking competencies Section Two: To learn about four HR strategies

6 How Would You Define Creativity? Creativity: any unconditioned response or interpretation. Exploring this definition might make you ponder how conditioned we are in our lives, families, work, relationships…

7 Creative thinking may simply mean the realization that there is no particular virtue in doing things the way they have always been done. - Rudolph Flesch, Education

8 “Why do we not think something different more often?” We are creatures of habit – staying on a routine adds stability. We are not taught to think outside of the boundaries. We have certain attitudes that lock our thinking and keep us thinking “more of the same.”

9 Discussion Questions 1.How do you, as a leader, set boundaries and not allow for creativity in your work environment? 2.What can you do to eliminate these boundaries? 3.What motivates you to be creative?

10 WHAT’S YOUR ATTITUDE? Two shoe salespeople were sent to a faraway island to sell shoes. After the first day, both sent back telegrams. One read: “This place is a disaster. No one wears shoes.” The other telegram said: “This place is a gold mine. No one wears shoes.”

11 Tear Down Blocks 1.Negative Attitude It would take too much time. It’s impossible You can’t do that here. Our customer would never go for that.

12 Tear Down Blocks 2.Fear of Failure FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real “If you took this risk and failed, what is the worst that could happen?” 3.Making Assumptions “What are possibilities?” “What do I take for granted?” 4. Over-Reliance on Logic

13 Competency #1: Entrepreneur Create probabilities out of possibilities Live in the future

14 ACTIVITY “What else can it be used for?” “What could be used instead?” How could it be adopted or modified for a new use?

15 Foretelling and Metaphorical Foretell the future Pay attention Metaphorical

16 ACTIVITY “How is your job like driving a car on the freeway?” “How is an iceberg like a good idea?”

17 Competency #2: Market Leader Superior Thinking Style Reinvent

18 Analogy and Reinvent “A defense contractor developed a missile that had to fit so closely within its silo it could not be pushed in.” SAMPLE ANALOGIES 1. Trying to get a horse into its stall. 2. Trying to get toothpaste back in tube. 3. Trying to get item back into shrink wrap.

19 SOLVE THE PROBLEM The missile fits so closely within the silo that it cannot be pushed in. How then to get it in?


21 Competency #3: Kindergartener Right and wrong answers Play

22 Break the patterns Invite Ambiguity Eliminate idea killers

23 Competency #4: Explorer Inner Voice Feelings

24 Four HR Strategies Innovative Strategy Quality Enhancement Strategy Cost-Reduction Strategy Speed Strategy Van Daele & Associates, Inc. 260.482.1744

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