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Putting It All Together: A Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan Carolyn Hoskinson, OUST Paul Connor, NALGEP.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting It All Together: A Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan Carolyn Hoskinson, OUST Paul Connor, NALGEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting It All Together: A Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan Carolyn Hoskinson, OUST Paul Connor, NALGEP

2 Presentation Overview Petroleum Brownfields Overview Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan Development Progress Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan Initiatives and Actions Implementation and Next Steps

3 Petroleum Brownfields Overview 2002 –Brownfields Law allocated 25 percent of the Program’s grants for petroleum brownfields. EPA Petroleum Brownfields Program jointly managed by two EPA Offices: Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) and the Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST). During the 2003-2007 grant cycles, EPA received more than 800 applications for petroleum brownfields project grants, and awarded nearly 390 of them.

4 Petroleum Brownfields Overview Understanding the purpose and need for the development of a Petroleum Brownfields Revitalization Action Plan

5 Action Plan Development Process Draws on local government, private sector, and EPA cross- Agency perspectives on barriers and effective strategies for petroleum brownfields cleanup and redevelopment. Interviews – 30 interviews, diverse backgrounds; tailored for experience and perspectives. Identified common themes, obstacles, and existing and needed processes, resources, and tools. Using input to formulate the action plan to expand petroleum brownfields revitalization. Action Plan focus areas currently include four initiatives.

6 Bolster Communication & Outreach to Petroleum Brownfields Stakeholders Developing and implementing a targeted communication and outreach strategy for the Petroleum Brownfields Program will increase awareness of assistance, tools, and resources available through EPA. Actions:  Define and communicate the objectives.  Consolidate the resources and tools available to promote assessment, cleanup, and the sustainable reuse of petroleum brownfields.  Develop a petroleum brownfields redevelopment options catalogue.  Explore and promote a recognition program.

7 Provide Targeted Support to State, Tribal, and Local Governments By developing targeted tools and offering technical assistance, EPA can support state, tribal, and local governments in their petroleum site revitalization efforts. Actions:  More clearly define regional representatives.  Promote broader use of EPA’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) grants.  Develop Best Practices Guide to assist state, tribal, and local governments that want to develop inventories.  Provide technical assistance for geographic initiatives.

8 Explore & Evaluate Policies to Facilitate Increased Petroleum Brownfields Site Revitalization The Petroleum Brownfields Program will benefit from an evaluation of existing EPA policies, to determine how the Program’s resources are improving or impeding petroleum brownfields revitalization. Actions:  Maximize grant flexibility and effectiveness – Currently, new draft Brownfields Guidelines are being reviewed  Seek flexibility in the administration of the 25% set- aside for petroleum brownfields grants.  Implement and evaluate a multi-purpose grant and a multi- pollutant grant for Brownfields.

9 Forge Partnerships to Promote Investments In & The Sustainable Use of Petroleum Brownfields The unique nature of petroleum brownfields suggests that there are opportunities for innovative partnerships to further the success of the cleanup and redevelopment activities at these sites. Actions:  Promote sustainable practices at petroleum brownfields;  Promote the use of incentives, such as the ER3 Initiative.  Pilot and promote more optimal petroleum brownfields cleanup techniques.  Work with the Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) to Promote the ER3 Initiative.  Promote Petroleum Property Deal Flow Sessions.

10 Next Steps Schedule and Priorities Comments Accepted – Implementation Plan –EPA and stakeholders will develop a detailed implementation plan for the action plan to ensure that each of the strategic actions are designed and carried out effectively.

11 Comments/Questions?

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