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Art and Patronage Italians were willing to spend a lot of money on art. / Art communicated social, political, and spiritual values. / Italian banking.

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Presentation on theme: "Art and Patronage Italians were willing to spend a lot of money on art. / Art communicated social, political, and spiritual values. / Italian banking."— Presentation transcript:



3 Art and Patronage Italians were willing to spend a lot of money on art. / Art communicated social, political, and spiritual values. / Italian banking & international trade interests had the money. Public art in Florence was organized and supported by guilds. Therefore, the consumption of art was used as a form of competition for social & political status!


5 1. Oil on Stretched Canvas The use of oil paint (minerals mixed with turentine and oil) provided a greater range of rich colors that permitted painters to represent textures and 3-D form.

6 2. Perspective First use of linear perspective! The Trinity Masaccio 1427 What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become. Optical effect of objects receding in the distance through lines that appear to converge at a single point in the picture: “vanishing point” Artists also reduced the size of objects, muted colors, or blurred details as objects got further away.

7 3. The use of Light and Shadow Chiaroscuro Chiaroscuro is a painting technique in which lighter parts seem to emerge from darker areas, producing the illusion of rounded, sculptural relief on a flat surface

8 Chiaroscuro (The walls are flat)

9 4. Geometrical Arrangement of Figures Figures are grouped in a “pyramid configuration” creating a symmetrical composition where the focal point is at the apex.

10 5. Realism & Expression

11 6. Classicism Greco-Roman influence. Secularism. Humanism. Individualism  free standing figures. Symmetry/Balance

12 7. Emphasis on Individualism Batista Sforza & Federico de Montefeltre: The Duke & Dutchess of Urbino Piero della Francesca, 1465-1466.


14 Lorenzo the Magnificent 1478 - 1521 Cosimo de Medici 1517 - 1574

15 Filippo Brunelleschi 1377 - 1436 Architect Cuppolo of St. Maria del Fiore

16 Filippo Brunelleschi Commissioned to build the cathedral dome. / Used unique architectural concepts.  He studied the ancient Pantheon in Rome.  Used ribs for support.

17 Brunelleschi’s Dome



20 Supporting the Duomo Walls


22 Brunelleschi’s Dome




26 The Dome from the inside

27 Other Famous Domes Il Duomo St. Peter’s St. Paul’s US capital (Florence) (Rome) (London) (Washington)

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