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Poetic Devices. Literal Language: the ordinary language of everyday speech that states facts or ideas directly.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Devices. Literal Language: the ordinary language of everyday speech that states facts or ideas directly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Devices

2 Literal Language: the ordinary language of everyday speech that states facts or ideas directly

3 Figurative Language: language used for descriptive effect “SHOW vs. tell”

4 Imagery: Definition The collection of sensory images (smell, taste, touch, sound, sight) in a poem or another work of literature

5 Types of Images 1. Auditory (sound) 2. Gustatory (taste) 3. Olfactory (smell) 4. Tactile (touch) 5. Visual (sight)

6 Imagery: Example “Blue waves whitened on a cliff” What sense is appealed to in this example?_______

7 Imagery: Your own example The bunny _________________________ _________________________ ____________________. What sense is appealed to in your description?_________

8 Alliteration: Definition The repetition of consonant sounds, most often at the beginnings of words

9 Alliteration: Example “Slowly, silently, now the moon / Walks the night in her silver shoon.” (from “Silver,” by Walter de la Mare)

10 Alliteration: Your own example Make up an alliterative statement based on your name: __________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

11 Hyperbole: Definition A great exaggeration for effect

12 Hyperbole: Example “I’ve told you a million times today to clean your room!”

13 Hyperbole: Your own example My brother or sister is a _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________.

14 Onomatopoeia: Definition A word or phrase that actually imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes

15 Onomatopoeia: Examples Buzz Ring Crow

16 Onomatopoeia: Your own examples List your own examples: _____________

17 Personification: Definition A figure of speech in which an animal, object, or idea is described as having human form or characteristics

18 Personification: Example “ The rainbow danced across the sky.”

19 Personification: Your own example “The clock _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _________.”

20 Symbol: Definition Something that stands for something else

21 Symbol: Example A lion symbolizes _____________ Two roads symbolize ______________

22 Symbol: Your own example Come up with another common symbol and what it stands for: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

23 Simile: Definition A figure of speech that directly compares two seemingly unlike things by using a word such as “like” or “as”

24 Simile: Example “His face was creased like an often-read letter.”

25 Simile: Your own example His eyes darted around like _____________________ _____________________ ____________________.

26 Metaphor: Definition A figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two seemingly unlike things (without using “like” or “as”)

27 Metaphor: Example He was a lion on the battlefield.

28 Metaphor: Your own example School is _______________________ _______________________ ____________________.

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