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Pmt Function Vlookup Function Excel Database.  Naming a Range is very useful Makes copying more clear because formula or function contains a name rather.

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Presentation on theme: "Pmt Function Vlookup Function Excel Database.  Naming a Range is very useful Makes copying more clear because formula or function contains a name rather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pmt Function Vlookup Function Excel Database

2  Naming a Range is very useful Makes copying more clear because formula or function contains a name rather than a cell ref. Replaces the need for absolute cell references $A$5 can be replaced with Rate  Ways to Name a range Select cell or cells  Formula Tab > Define Name > Name cell OR Cell to the adjacent left cell often is the label which is wanted for the cell.  Select adjacent cell to left of cell to be named and the cell to be named  Formula Tab > Create from Selection

3  Naming Ranges Formula or function and contains a name rather than a cell reference Find in Formulas Tab > Defined Name Naming a cell or cells makes the formula easier to read

4  Select cell or cells  Formula Tab > Define Name > Name cell OR  Cell to the adjacent left is often the label which is wanted for the cell.  Steps to name range of cells Select adjacent cell to left of cell to be named and the cell to be named Formula Tab > Create from Selection

5  PMT Function calculates the monthly payment required to pay off a loan.  Three Arguments are needed:  To calculate the payment on a monthly basis the function needs look like this: =-PMT( ) )

6  Example of Payment Function Arguments:

7  What is your payment for a 25-year loan for a $350,000 home at 4% ?  The interest rate is expressed for a year i.e. 4% per year  The time periods are expressed in years i.e. 5 years  However, payments are usually made monthly so both arguments must be converted to months. Thus a proper PMT function will look like this:  =-PMT(rate/_____,years*_________,loan amount)  =-PMT(.04/12, 5*25, 350,000)

8  =FV(rate, time, principle): Re turns the future value of an investment based on periodic constant payments, and constant interest rate.  =PV(rate, time, principle): Returns the present value of an investment. The present value is the total amount that a series of future payments now is worth.  :

9 The gradual paying off of a loan


11  Datebase Table is made up of fields and records A column is a field A row is a record  To identify the table as a data table to Excel, it must be formatted as a table Home Tab > Format as Table button Various Styles are available to choose from  Data Validation ensures that the data you enter into a cell or range of cells is within limits. For example: in the Gender field only M or F are allowed Data > Data Validation button Settings Tab > List > Type in acceptable entries No other entries will be allowed now in that field

12  Vlookup and Hlookup allow a user to assign a value to a cell based on a table in the worksheet Use Vlookup when your lookup value is listed vertically from top to bottom. Use Hlookup when your lookup value is listed horizontally left to right.  When creating the table Vlookup: the numbers must start with lowest then go vertically down to the highest Hlookup: lowest numbers on the left to the highest on the right.

13 =vlookup(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num)  Vlookup has three arguments Lookup_value: the cell reference of the value you are looking for in the table Table_array: the range of the table to find the desired result Col_index_num: the column in the table where the result is located

14  Do not enter more than one table per worksheet  Place column labels in first row of the table and format differently than the table body text  Begin first record in second row of table  Leave no blank rows or columns within the table.

15  Arranging records in a specific sequence is called Sorting.  Ascending Sequence = A-Z or 0-9  Descending Sequence = Z-A or 9-0  Sort Field: the field or fields you select to sort the records  Sort is located in the Editing Group  Custom Sort: to sort on multiple fields

16  Automatic Subtotals  Automatic Subtotals: powerful too for summarizing data in a table  Control Field  Control Field: This is the field on which you sort prior to clicking the Subtotal Button  Convert Table to a Range  Convert Table to a Range: must be done before using Subtotals Right click in table > Table > Convert to Range  Subtotal Button is located in the Data Tab > Outline Group

17  Querying  Querying is like asking a question  Autofilter  Autofilter: uses arrows to the right of the column headings. To display arrows Data > Filter  The item you select from the AutoFilter menu is called the Filter Criterion.  Only records that match the Criterion will be displayed  Click the Filter Command button to display all records again or to display arrows

18  You can Filter on multiple Fields by selecting all choices desired in the result  Use Custom Filter choice when: You are working in numbered fields You need to use > = or <= in the criterion You need to find more than one criteria in a field  Use Logical operators: OR for the second item

19  For complex criterions a Criterion Range can be set up. Copy Field Names into first row of range. The 2 nd row will contain the criteria.  All criteria on the same row must pass the test to display. This is an AND comparison.  This AND this AND this. All must be true for the record to be displayed. Criterion on different rows are compared with an OR comparison.  This OR this OR this. Any true test will cause the record to be displayed.

20 Extract Range  Records meeting the criterion are copied automatically to the Extract Range. The records in this range can then be manipulated without affecting the original data table. Extract Range  Creating an Extract Range Copy the Field names to the first row where the Extract Range is to be.  If the Criteria range contains a blank row, all records will pass the test and be displayed in the Extract Range.


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