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Dis ability confident Julia Oldham Bucks New University Disability Service Manager

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Presentation on theme: "Dis ability confident Julia Oldham Bucks New University Disability Service Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dis ability confident Julia Oldham Bucks New University Disability Service Manager

2 to give: confidence with the language of disability so you can engage with and actively encourage disabled pupils to apply for university. an overview of the range of support available to disabled students increased awareness of when and how to access the support. Objectives

3 famous people

4 the language of disability Complicated? It isn’t! Don’t panic or fuss - smile, relax and be yourself Address the disabled pupil – parents take a back seat at University Speak as you would to any pupil – same lip movements and volume Maintain eye contact & don’t cover your mouth You may need to allow extra time for the pupil to process your questions, resist the desire to answer for them. If you don’t understand the answer – due to a speech difficulty - just say so and ask for the answer again or your pupil may write it Try the questions on DC 1 – approx 5mins (in pairs)

5 what counts as a disability? A physical or mental impairment or medical condition which affects the ability to carry out ‘normal’ day to day activities and is: –substantial –adverse –long term (lasting or expected to last at least 12 months) Disability may be hidden and fluctuating from mild to profound Examples in students eg the 4 most common?

6 what support is available? Usually much the same as in school/college It’s just organised and funded differently Try the Quiz!

7 how and when to apply for support (1) Good News: It’s funded by Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) These grants fund extra costs faced as a result of disability Not means tested and don’t need to be paid back!! DSAs can help with: –Specialist equipment –Non-medical helpers eg note-taker –Travel costs –Other costs eg photocopying Early in the year (March) apply for student finance online at even before a place has been accepted. Tick the DSAs box and SFE will post a slim DSA form to the pupil. Complete and return with medical evidence Or the full form is available if no finance required Top tip contact your university disability service for advice and help.

8 Bad News : It can take 12-14 weeks from start to finish! So: 3 weeks later -if eligible SFE will write to advise pupil to book a Needs Assessment gives all the assessment 3 weeks later - Needs report is sent to SFE 3 weeks later –SFE write to advise pupil of the next steps eg order equipment, organise you specialist tutor etc Top tip Try the form filling yourself.... see 2014/15 DSA slim how and when to apply for support (2)

9 Case studies Jacob – profound visual impairment Kalim – Asperger syndrome Suzy – cerebral palsy and wheelchair user See separate sheet

10 Bucks support for students Disability Service Counselling Careers and Employability Multi Faith Chaplaincy Accommodation Learning Development Unit Student Union Advice Centre Bucks website 01494 522141

11 back to the future: any questions? Objectives: to give: confidence with the language of disability so you can engage with and actively encourage disabled pupils to apply for university. an overview of the range of support available to the disabled student increased awareness of when and how to access the support.

12 Thanks for Listening!

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