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Strategic Issues in Documenting Nigerian Sign Language (NSL): The Sociolinguistic Implications BY:  ASONYE EMMANUEL, PHD.  EZINNE PAULINUS  EMMA-ASONYE.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Issues in Documenting Nigerian Sign Language (NSL): The Sociolinguistic Implications BY:  ASONYE EMMANUEL, PHD.  EZINNE PAULINUS  EMMA-ASONYE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Issues in Documenting Nigerian Sign Language (NSL): The Sociolinguistic Implications BY:  ASONYE EMMANUEL, PHD.  EZINNE PAULINUS  EMMA-ASONYE EZINNE @International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation, Feb. 26 – Mar 1, 2015 Ala-Manoa Hawaii

2 Statement of Problem  People living with speech and hearing impairment in Nigeria are the most vulnerable  They are marginalized  Their language is endangered  Deaf children acquire very low quality education and so are underdeveloped  Contribute little or nothing to the Nation’s socio-economic development  Have little or no communication with family members

3 The Sociolinguistic Situation  Nigeria is a multilingual, multi-ethnic nation with over 400 spoken languages.  Sign language is not recognized in Nigeria’s constitution.  Deaf children are taught with ASL in schools.  Many linguists have avoided studying and developing sign language.

4 Aims and Objectives of the Study  Document the Nigerian Sign Language NSL  Produce pedagogical material for Deaf education including videos and ICT  Train sign language instructors and interpreters  Propose legislation to require signing interpreters in public events  Create a media campaign to publicize deaf language and culture  Help hearing family members communicate with Deaf children

5 Theoretical Framework Two theories were reviewed: (i)Total Communication theory – “the teacher uses every means of communication available to communicate with the Deaf pupils: manual language, finger-spelling with the manual alphabet, writing, speech, pantomime, drawing – whatever!” (Melefsky & Lindsay, n.d)

6 Theoretical Framework Cont’d ( ii) Inclusion – “an educational reform aiming at redesigning the general education structure to accommodate both able bodied learners with disabilities.” (Ademokoya, 2008) But beyond the above two, we propound the concept of: Total Integration – incorporating hearing family members in the teaching and learning of sign language.

7 Review of Literature  “In Nigeria, about 14% of the school children have some kind of hearing loss.” (South African Hearing Institute, 2011)  This number falls among more than 1.2 million children of 5 to 14 of age who suffer from moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Most Deaf children are born to hearing parents; parents and children do not have the same mother tongue.  Also many Deaf children grow up to become parents of hearing children. (Skutnabb-Kangas, 2001)

8 Review of Literature Cont’d  “Early and easy communication between a child and the people in his or her environment is critical not only to language development but also in the areas of cognitive and social development.” (Malloy, 2003)  Studies show that when a Deaf child does not have a fluent language model, s/he picks up the language from socializing with fluent language users.  The most important thing is to make sure that communication between child and parent is always reliable and clear.

9 Our Project Phase 1: Providing Sign Language Classes for Hearing Family Members of the Deaf & Researchers Since Jan 14, 2014


11 Expected Result At the expiration of the first 2 years:  Family members and language researchers would have acquired sign language enough to participate in language documentation.  Deaf students would have acquired ICT Education enough to participate in language documentation.  The production of simple sign language books and video materials will commence.

12 Our Challenges  Nigeria’s multilingual nature is an issue.  There is a wide communication gap between the Deaf and the Hearing.  Both the Deaf students, family members and the research team are not trained on language documentation.  Funds for documentation are not yet available.

13 How We Can Overcome Our Challenges  Documentation will be based on Igbo speech community.  Our sign language classes and other social programs aim at integrating the Deaf and the Hearing to improve communication.  Participants, both deaf and hearing will be adequately trained.  We have currently applied for a number of grant calls.

14 Conclusion Our study takes into cognizance the following facts:  ASL is the official Deaf language currently in use in Nigeria.  Deaf Communities and Deaf Culture are not strongly in existence.  Ajavon (2003) is the only attempt on NSL documentation according to available records.  Inadequate training and poor education of the Deaf has a gross negative impact on the development of NSL.

15 Bibliography Ademokoya, J.A. 2008. “Classroom communication and placement of the Deaf child in an inclusive class”. In J. Hum. Ecol. 23(3): 203-209. Ajavon, P. A. 2003. “The Incorporation of Nigerian signs in Deaf education in Nigeria: a pilot study”. Frankfurt am Main. Bruxelles: Peter Lang. Skutnabb-Kangas, T. 2001. “Language and human rights”. Plenary paper at the Euro-Sign Conference, 6-8 September 2001. South African Hearing Institute 2011. “Nigeria: One in seven children suffers from hearing Loss”.

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