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Vocab Unit 12: 6 roots, 19 words Junct - Lev. Junct, jug = to join  Conjugal: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of marriage  Injunction: act or instance.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab Unit 12: 6 roots, 19 words Junct - Lev. Junct, jug = to join  Conjugal: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of marriage  Injunction: act or instance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab Unit 12: 6 roots, 19 words Junct - Lev

2 Junct, jug = to join  Conjugal: of, pertaining to, or characteristic of marriage  Injunction: act or instance of enjoining; order or command  Adjunct: something added to something but not essential to it  Subjugate: to bring under complete control; make submissive

3 Jur = swear, law  Abjure: to renounce or retract, esp. with formal solemnity  Jurisprudence: the philosophy or science of law  Perjure: to willfully make a false statement under oath

4 Lat = side  Collateral: security pledged for the payment of a loan  Bilateral: pertaining to, involving or affecting two sides, factions or parties  Unilateral: related to, occurring on, or having to do with one side only

5 Lav, Lau, lu = wash  Ablution: a cleansing with water or another liquid, esp. as a religious ritual  Lavatory: a room fitted for plumbing with which to wash oneself  Launder: to disguise the source of, usually by transmitting through foreign banks

6 Leg, lec, lex = read, speak  Lexicon: a dictionary or wordbook  Legible: capable of being read or deciphered  Lecture: speech read or delivered in front of an audience or class

7 Lev = light  Levitate: to rise or float in the air, esp. as a result of supernatural influence  Levity: lightness of mind, spirit or behavior, lack of appropriate seriousness  Alleviate: to make easier to endure; lessen, mitigate

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