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The Olive Branch Petition & Common Sense Page 82 in your History Books Page L17 & R18 in your IN.

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1 The Olive Branch Petition & Common Sense Page 82 in your History Books Page L17 & R18 in your IN

2 The Olive Branch Petition 1. Colonists wanted to end the fight w/t King George, so they sent him a petition called the Olive Branch Petition which means peace. 1. Colonists wanted to end the fight w/t King George, so they sent him a petition called the Olive Branch Petition which means peace.

3 The Olive Branch Petition 2. King George decided it was too late for peace, and wanted all “traitors” brought to justice! 2. King George decided it was too late for peace, and wanted all “traitors” brought to justice!

4 The Olive Branch Petition 3. George Washington & others were ready to fight. 3. George Washington & others were ready to fight.

5 Common Sense By: Thomas Paine

6 1. Thomas Paine, a famous patriot, wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense. 1. Thomas Paine, a famous patriot, wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense. 2. He said that Britain was treating them badly and we are not benefiting from them. 2. He said that Britain was treating them badly and we are not benefiting from them.

7 Common Sense By: Thomas Paine 3. In his pamphlet, he talks about how it is COMMON SENSE to be independent from Britain. 3. In his pamphlet, he talks about how it is COMMON SENSE to be independent from Britain. 4. 120,000 copies of the pamphlet were sold. 4. 120,000 copies of the pamphlet were sold. 5. It persuaded many colonists that independence was not only sensible, but the key to a brighter future. 5. It persuaded many colonists that independence was not only sensible, but the key to a brighter future.



10 Portrait of Thomas Paine 1. A political journalist; one of the greatest writers. 1. A political journalist; one of the greatest writers. 2. Came from poor family 2. Came from poor family 3. He failed at being a sailor, teacher, exciseman (inspects taxes). He studied writing & was the only thing he was good at. 3. He failed at being a sailor, teacher, exciseman (inspects taxes). He studied writing & was the only thing he was good at. 4. imigrated from England to America in 1774 w/t the help from Ben. Franklin. First job was editor of newspaper. 4. imigrated from England to America in 1774 w/t the help from Ben. Franklin. First job was editor of newspaper.

11 The Title Page of the First Edition of Common Sense, 1776. 1. What is propaganda? 1. What is propaganda? A piece of information that persuades someone one way or the other. A piece of information that persuades someone one way or the other.

12 The Title Page of the First Edition of Common Sense, 1776. 2. What is the name of the Pamphlet? 2. What is the name of the Pamphlet? Common Sense Common Sense

13 The Title Page of the First Edition of Common Sense, 1776. 3. What did Paine argue in his Pamphlet? 3. What did Paine argue in his Pamphlet? * We owe nothing to Britain. * We owe nothing to Britain. * The King is treating us badly. * The King is treating us badly. * We need to break away from Britain. * We need to break away from Britain. 4. We need independence from Britain. 4. We need independence from Britain.

14 The Title Page of the First Edition of Common Sense, 1776. 5. What did he hope his pamphlet would do for Americans? Help Colonists, especially Loyalists,to recognize it is crucial to break away and become independent from Britain. Help Colonists, especially Loyalists,to recognize it is crucial to break away and become independent from Britain.

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