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“Real Deal” Information Literacy Designing & implementing meaningful instruction and assessment Janet Cottrell & Sarah Faye Cohen Champlain College, Burlington,

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Presentation on theme: "“Real Deal” Information Literacy Designing & implementing meaningful instruction and assessment Janet Cottrell & Sarah Faye Cohen Champlain College, Burlington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Real Deal” Information Literacy Designing & implementing meaningful instruction and assessment Janet Cottrell & Sarah Faye Cohen Champlain College, Burlington, Vermont, USA

2 What does IL instruction look like?

3 It looks like..  Databases  Catalogs  Boolean & keyword searching  Citation styles...otherwise known as libraries.

4 How does “real deal” IL differ from other IL models?

5 The focus of instruction.  Library-centric instruction revolves around introducing students to the library, its resources, and how to use those resources in an academic context.

6 Real Deal IL does not focus on the library  Real Deal instruction is “info-centric”, focusing on the wider information landscape.

7 What does that look like in the classroom?

8 Understanding search habits and preferences

9 The Web 296 People97 TV20 Other20 Total393 Where do you like to get information?

10 How do you search? Google357 Yahoo10 Bing20 The Library18 Other13 Total418

11 Filter Bubbles  Getting to know the real web.  Unraveling the implications of personalization of information.  Familiarizing students with business of information.

12 Where their idea ends & yours begins  Exploring the ethics behind sharing ideas and content.  Directly related to professional situations.  Plagiarism in wider context.

13 What else makes it Real Deal?

14 Students say it matters to them:  2011: Ranked Technology and Information Literacy as most important of 7 college competencies

15 Students say it matters to them:  And ranked first in satisfaction with the College’s contribution to their development of this competency

16 What else makes it Real Deal?

17 Authentic Assessment: How can we measure student progress?

18 Measuring student outcomes  We thought we would use standard tests…. But they don’t work well in our environment….

19 “Real deal” assessment  We needed something less “test-track,” more real-world  Based on actual student work

20 “Real deal” assessment  Mirrors the reflective focus of curriculum  Includes evaluation of reflective writing

21 “Real deal” assessment  “Map” our desired student outcomes to course rubrics  Allows us to embed our assessment directly in course…and also track our “route”

22 “Real deal” assessment  Portfolio-based  Student work, faculty feedback  Allows us to capture and track progress by group or individual

23 Results to date


25 Real Deal asks librarians hard questions  Do we want our students to know something about libraries? Or, something about information?  Do we want our students to have skills that work in every information environment, or just ours?

26 Real Deal requires a shift in our thinking  Away from success in an assignment.  Info-centric instruction enables student success when they are no longer our students.

27 Thank you. Questions? Janet Cottrell: Sarah Cohen:

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