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+Addition – like terms -all variables and exponents must match. – add coefficients.

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2 +Addition – like terms -all variables and exponents must match. – add coefficients

3 Product of Powers(Multiplication) – add exponents of the same bases.

4 Power of a Product –distribute the power throughout the product.

5  Power to a Power – multiply all exponents of the bases effected by the exponent.

6 Quotient of Powers (Division) – subtract exponents of the same bases.

7 Power of a quotient – distribute the power to the numerator and denominator.

8 Zero exponents -Anything to the zero power equals one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 Negative exponents – move any base with negative exponents to its reciprocal and make the exponent positive.

10 You will only have one digit in front of the decimal. Write in scientific notation: 870000 = 8.7 x 10 5 0.000265 = 2.65 x 10 -4 Write in decimal notation: 9.2 x 10 -3 = 0.0092 4.37 x 10 8 = 437000000

11 Addition and Subtraction – bases and exponents must be the same – add or subtract coefficients. Multiply – add the exponents Divide - subtract the exponents Zero exponents – equals one Negative exponents – move that base to the reciprocal position!!

12 Pg 278 (3-96 every 3 rd problem)

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