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Food Safety Jeopardy General Food Safety Cooking Savvy.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Safety Jeopardy General Food Safety Cooking Savvy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Food Safety Jeopardy

3 General Food Safety

4 Cooking Savvy

5 Storage Solutions

6 Hot Tips

7 Cleaner is Safer


9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Storage Solutions Cleaner is Safer General Food Safety Cooking Savvy Hot Tips

10 1-100 1-1 What is the best and easiest way to keep germs from spreading?

11 1-100A 1 - 100 1-1A Wash hands $100

12 1-200 1-2 True or False. You can always smell or see bacteria in food.

13 1-200A 1 - 100 1-2a False $200

14 1-300 1-3 Always or Never unplug a small appliance before removing an object from it.

15 1-300A 1 - 100 1-3a Always $300

16 1-400 1-4 What is the first thing you should do if a small grease fire develops?

17 1-400A 1 - 100 1-4a Cover it to cut off the oxygen. $400

18 1-500 1-5 Name one group of people that are at high risk for developing foodborne illness.

19 1-500A 1 - 100 1-5a Pregnant women, young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. $500

20 2-100 1 - 100 2-1 What is the best way to know if food is cooked to the correct temperature?

21 2-100A 1 - 100 2-1a Use a thermometer $100

22 2-200 2-2 Bring sauces, soups and gravy to a _____ when reheating.

23 2-200A 1 - 100 2-2a Boil $200

24 2-300 2-3 True or False. Microwaves tend to heat food unevenly, therefore, there may be spots as well as cold uncooked areas in food.

25 2-300A 1 - 100 2-3a True $300

26 2-400 2-4 When perishable foods fall into the “danger zone” of ____ degrees F and ____ degrees F, bacteria start to multiply.

27 2-400A 1 - 100 2-4a 40 degrees and 140 degrees $400

28 2-500 2-5 Placing cooked food on a plate that previously held raw meat, poultry, seafood or eggs is an example of _________.

29 2-500A 1 - 100 2-5a Cross Contamination $500

30 3-100 1 - 100 3-1 Why is it not good to overstuff the refrigerator?

31 3-100A 1 - 100 3-1a Cold air must circulate to help keep food safe. $100

32 3-200 3-2 Never let raw meat, poultry, eggs, cooked food or cut fruits/vegetables sit at room temperature more than ____ hours.

33 3-200A 1 - 100 3-2a Two $200

34 3-300 3-3 The temperature in the freezer should be at or below what temperature?

35 3-300A 1 - 100 3-3a 0 degrees $300

36 3-400 3-4 The temperature in the refrigerator should be at or below ____.

37 3-400A 1 - 100 3-4a 40 degrees $400

38 3-500 3-5 There are three safe ways to defrost food. Name one.

39 3-500A 1 - 100 3-5a In the refrigerator In cold water In the microwave $500

40 4-100 1 - 100 4-1 True or False. Kitchen fires start as a result of neglect and usually when least expected.

41 4-100A 1 - 100 4-1a True $100

42 4-200 4-2 Keep a ____ _____ near the stove so it can be used if a fire occurs.

43 4-200A 1 - 100 4-2a Fire extinguisher $200

44 4-300 4-3 If the oil you are heating catches fire, do not put _____ on it, since it could spread the fire.

45 4-300A 1 - 100 4-3a Water $300

46 4-400 4-4 True or False. As a safety measure, quickly move a burning pan.

47 4-400A 1 - 100 4-4a False $400

48 4-500 4-5 Name one household chemical that can be used to extinguish small flames at the stove.

49 4-500A 1 - 100 4-5a Baking Soda $500

50 5-100 1 - 100 5-1 How many seconds should you wash your hands?

51 5-100A 1 - 100 5-1a Twenty $100

52 5-200 5-2 True or False. It is not necessary to clean your can opener after you use it.

53 5-200A 1 - 100 5-2a False $200

54 5-300 5-3 True or False. Avoid handling food if you have a cold, infections, or an open sore on your hands.

55 5-300A 1 - 100 5-3a True $300

56 5-400 5-4 Name one rule for storing cleaning supplies in the kitchen.

57 5-400A 1 - 100 5-4a Keep out of reach of children Keep away from food Keep them in original containers $400

58 5-500 5-5 Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils and countertops with ____ ____ ____ after preparing each food item and before you go on to the next food.

59 5-500A 1 - 100 5-5a Hot soapy water $500

60 6-100 1 - 100 6-1

61 6-100A 1 - 100 6-1a $100

62 6-200 6-2

63 6-200A 1 - 100 6-2a $200

64 6-300 6-3

65 6-300A 1 - 100 6-3a $300

66 6-400 6-4

67 6-400A 1 - 100 6-4a $400

68 6-500 6-5

69 6-500A 1 - 100 6-5a $500

70 Final category The category is ______ Write down how much you want to wager

71 Final Question:


73 Daily Double Round 1 Double Question How much do you want to wager?

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