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 You need  your review  a writing utensil. Test Review.

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Presentation on theme: " You need  your review  a writing utensil. Test Review."— Presentation transcript:

1  You need  your review  a writing utensil

2 Test Review

3  Stock Market Speculation  Bank Failures  Federal Reserve policies  High Tariffs

4  High Unemployment  Poverty  Migration  Overproduction of goods

5  Great Depression- a decade of economic suffering in the U.S.  Stock Market Crash- sudden decline in stock market; millions lost in one day  High Tariffs- (Smoot-Hawley Tariff) in an effort to protect American farmers and businesses; increased taxes on imports

6  Bank Failures- caused panic, many people went to the banks to get their money (bank runs)- FDIC restored confidence in banks  New Deal- new government programs that tried to tackle the issues caused by the Great Depression

7  Federal Reserve- purpose is to provide a supply of money and credit to the people  Fiat Money- paper money  Gold Standard- abandoned during the Great Depression; value of currency/money based on the value of gold

8  Herbert Hoover- President when the Great Depression started (1929); believed in “Rugged Individualism”  Franklin D. Roosevelt- President that created the New Deal; tried to solve the Great Depression through government programs  Eleanor Roosevelt- First Lady- considered FDR’s “eyes and ears”, traveled the U.S. to see the damage of the Great Depression

9  Hoovervilles- shanty towns where many homeless lived during the Great Depression  FDR’s critics-  Conservatives- the New Deal was doing too much (more like socialism than free enterprise/capitalism)  Liberals- wanted the New Deal to go farther (ex. Share Our Wealth)

10  John Steinbeck- “The Grapes of Wrath”- story about family moving far West (California) to leave the “dust bowl”  Dorothea Lange- photographer who photographed the people of the Great Depression  “Rugged Individualism”- “toughen up” the economy will fix itself

11  New Deal- created government programs to solve economic problems (*new idea)  Mexican Repatriation- attempt to send Mexican-American immigrants back to Mexico to free up jobs in the U.S.  Liberty League- conservative critic of FDR’s New Deal  Court-Packing- FDR’s plan to gain control of the Judicial branch to help his New Deal programs be found constitutional

12  Dust Bowl- caused by over farming and severe drought, led to the migration West  Hoovervilles- shanty towns in urban areas where the homeless lived

13  Relief: work programs  Civilians Conservation Corps(CCC)  Works Progress Administration (WPA)  Recovery- long term assistance  Social Security Act  Reform- prevention  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- protects your money in the bank  Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)- investigates fraud to protect investors

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