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INTRO. TO EARTH SCIENCE Unit 1: Chapter 1. Unit Big Idea/Essential Questions  Earth is a system composed up of many layers containing many features 

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1 INTRO. TO EARTH SCIENCE Unit 1: Chapter 1

2 Unit Big Idea/Essential Questions  Earth is a system composed up of many layers containing many features  Essential Questions  How does the earth’s inferior drive/influence the features on its exterior?  Explain how the earth is composed up of an array of subsystems. ES Standards 2.1, 2.2 Scientific Inquiry Skills Standards 1-4

3 Key Vocabulary  Asthenosphere  Astronomy  Atmosphere  Biosphere  Closed/Open System  Environment  Geology  Hydrosphere  Lithosphere  Meteorology  Negative/Positive Feedback Mechanisms  Nonrenewable/Renew able resources  Oceanography  System

4 Question of the Day  What is Earth Science?

5 ES, People & the Environment  How would you define the environment?  What is the difference between abiotic/biotic factors?  ES looks at the relationship between people and the natural environment  Resources  Population Growth  Environmental Problems


7 Earth’s 4 Spheres  How would you divide the earth into 4 spheres?  Hydrosphere  Atmosphere  Biosphere  Geosphere

8 Geosphere  What are the 3 distinctive layers of the earth?  Crust  Mantle  Core


10 Lithospheric Plates  How does Continental Drift Theory and Plate Tectonics work together?  Plate Boundaries Convergent Divergent Transform (strike-slip)



13 Relief Features  Continent  How do you think mountain belts have formed?  What do you think is older: Belts or Shields?  Ocean Basins  Continental Margins  Deep-Ocean Basins  Mid-ocean Ridges




17 Earth as a System  How do you think the earth works as a system?  Driven by energy that move matter/energy from one place to another  Closed vs. Open Systems  Feedback Mechanisms  Where do you think the energy comes from that drives the earth’s systems?

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