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HDM-4: Pavement Deterioration Modeling and Road User Effects

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Presentation on theme: "HDM-4: Pavement Deterioration Modeling and Road User Effects"— Presentation transcript:

1 HDM-4: Pavement Deterioration Modeling and Road User Effects
Christopher R. Bennett EASTE

2 Road Deterioration and Works Effects Modelling

3 Road Deterioration Modelling
Objective is to predict future condition of roads over time and under traffic the effects of maintenance 3

4 What We are Trying to Predict
Decay in Condition (DETERIORATION) EXCELLENT Condition Improvement (RESET) ASSET CONDITION Minimum Acceptable Standard (TRIGGER) Treatment Applied POOR TIME 4

5 Road Deterioration Depends On
Original design Material types Construction quality Traffic volume and axle loading Road geometry Pavement age Environmental conditions Maintenance policy 5

6 HDM Models HDM uses ‘Deterministic Models’
Predicts a single future outcome based on current situation Developed using ‘structured empirical approach’ Knowledge of how pavements perform used to set framework for statistical analysis Incremental Change in condition based on current condition:  CONDITION = f(a0, a1, a2) Can use any start point so flexible 6

7 Start Point Critical For Predictions

8 Bituminous Pavement Classes

9 Plus deterioration of drains
Distresses Modeled Bituminous Concrete Block* Unsealed Cracking Rutting Ravelling Potholing Roughness Edge break Surface texture Skid resistance Joint spalling Faulting Failures Serviceability rating *not in software Gravel loss Plus deterioration of drains 9

10 Models Designed for Range of Conditions
Moisture Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid Per-humid Temperature Tropical Sub-Tropical hot Sub-Tropical Cool Temperate Cool Temperate Frees 10

11 Deterioration Models - Bituminous
CRACKING Structural Thermal Reflection ROUGHNESS Cracking Rutting Potholing Patching Environment RAVELLING RUTTING Structural Deformation Plastic Deformation Surface Wear Initial Densification POTHOLING 11

12 Det. Models - Concrete Cracking % of slabs cracked JP Number per km JR
Faulting mm JP,JR Spalling % of transverse JP,JR joints Failures Number per km CR Serviceability Dimensionless JR,CR Roughness m/km IRI All 12

13 Interactions Between Distresses
1 Water ingress Further cracking Patches Shear Uneven surface Spalling Faster deformation ROUGHNESS Potholes Time Surface Lower strength Area of Cracking Rut depth 13

14 Initiation and Progression
Cracking, raveling and potholing have initiation and progression periods Pavement Age (years) Cracked Area (%) INITIATION PROGRESSION 14

15 Cracking Initiation –Calibration

16 Cracking Progression Calibration

17 Roughness Roughness = F(age, strength, potholes, cracking, raveling, rutting) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 1 11 16 Roughness (IRI) Treatment Do Nothing Year 17

18 Rutting Rutting = F(age, traffic, strength, compaction) Rutting (mm)
Pavement Age (Years) Rutting (mm) Weak Pavement Strong Pavement 18

19 Example of Predictions
Independent Variable Index Current Condition C B Different Slopes A 19

20 Road Works Classification
Preservation Routine Patching, Edge repair Drainage, Crack sealing Periodic Preventive treatments Rehabilitation Pavement reconstruction Special Emergencies Winter maintenance Development Improvements Widening Realignment Off-carriageway works Construction Upgrading New sections 20

21 Maintenance Interventions
Scheduled Fixed intervals of time between interventions Interventions at fixed points of time Responsive Pavement condition Pavement strength Surface age Traffic volumes/loadings Accident rates 21

22 Maintenance & Improvement
Affects long term pavement performance Funding requirements depend on specified maintenance standards & unit costs Poor Maintenance Standard Roughness The figure illustrates the predicted trend in pavement performance represented by the riding quality that is often measured in terms of the international roughness index (IRI). When a maintenance standard is defined, it imposes a limit to the level of deterioration that a pavement is permitted to attain. Consequently, in addition to the capital costs of road construction, the total costs that are incurred by road agencies will include the periodic maintenance, or rehabilitation works applied during the life of a pavement. These in turn depend on the standards of maintenance and improvement specified by HDM-4 users. Pavement Performance Curve Rehabilitation Good Time (years) or Traffic Loading 22

23 Maintenance Effects Depending on distress maintenance has different effects 23

24 Maintenance May Affect
Pavement strength Pavement condition Pavement history Maintenance cost REMEMBER … the type of treatment dictates what it will influence 24

25 Deterioration Management

26 Road User Effect Modelling

27 Components of RUE 27

28 Factors Influencing RUE

29 Fuel Consumption Predicts fuel use as function of power usage 29

30 HDM-4 Speed-Flow Model 30

31 Recommended Model Parameters

32 Validity of Speed-Flow Model

33 Congestion - Fuel Model
3-Zone model predicts as flows increase so do traffic interactions As interactions increase so do accelerations and decelerations Adopted concept of ‘acceleration noise’ -- the standard deviation of acceleration 33

34 Congestion Modelling 34

35 Traffic Noise Modelled using sigmoidal function
Integrated with Three-zone Model The maximum traffic noise and ratio Q0/Qult governs predictions Easy to calibrate 35

36 Flow on Additional Fuel

37 Effect of Congestion on Tyre Consumption

38 Parts and Labour Costs Usually largest single component of VOC
Few studies were found to have calibrated model 38

39 Parts vs Roughness Effects

40 Capital Costs Comprised of depreciation and interest costs
HDM-4 uses ‘Optimal Life’ method or constant life method 40

41 Roughness on Depreciation

42 Work Zones Cause traffic interruptions due to vehicles having to stop or reduced capacities Uses speed-cycle results for calculating costs Have software application for performing analyses Gives delays and queue sizes based on length of road closure 42

43 Safety HDM-4 does not predict accident rates
User defines a series of “look-up tables” of accident rates The rates are broad, macro descriptions relating accidents to a particular set of road attributes Fatal Injury Damage only 43

44 Accident Groups Road type, class, use Traffic level
Geometry, pavement type, ride quality, surface texture, presence of shoulders Non-motorised traffic Intersection type 44

45 Emissions Model Developed by VTI in Sweden
Conducted statistical analysis of emissions as function of fuel use Developed simple linear model Model will be changed in future 45

46 Energy Balance Analysis
Compares total life-cycle energy consumption of different transport policies Three energy use categories: Motorised vehicles Non-motorised vehicles Road construction and maintenance 46

47 Energy Analysis Output
Total energy consumption Total consumption of renewable and non-renewable energy Total national and global energy use Specific energy consumption (per km) 47

48 Calibration Very Important

49 The End

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