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Interest Groups, Lobbying, PACS & Super PACS (everything a growing boy/girl needs)

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1 Interest Groups, Lobbying, PACS & Super PACS (everything a growing boy/girl needs)

2 Today’s Focus question Who really has the power and influence in policy making and politics in America?

3 Interest Groups Defined Interest Groups – Organizations of people sharing a common interest or goal that seek to influence government policy and elections.

4 Interest Groups Roles & Responsibilities Inform public about candidates and decisions Recruit and endorse candidates Contribute money to campaigns Sponsor “issue ads” Form PACS

5 LOBBYIST A lobbyist is someone hired by a business or a cause to persuade legislators to support that business or cause. Lobbyists get paid to win favor from politicians. For example, oil companies send lobbyists to Washington to try to make life easier for oil companies.

6 The Power of the Lobbyist In 1984 $200 million was spent on lobbying expenditures In 2013 $3.24 BILLION was spent on lobbying expenditures (that is a sixfold increase factoring in inflation)

7 PACS & Super PACS PACS- Political Action Committee (PAC) — A popular term for a political committee organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to elect and defeat candidates. Super PACS- A super PAC is a relatively modern breed of political-action committee that is allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from corporations, unions, individuals and associations

8 Citizens United v. FEC A case in which the Court held that corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in elections cannot be limited under the First Amendment.

9 Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Colbert Video

10 Who Wants to Form an Interest Group and Lobby Gov. Snyder/(Mr. B)? Instructions: We (all of class and Mr. Walter) are going to form the interest group “Students for Better Learning Conditions.” Our goal is to get Gov. Snyder (Mr. B) to sign off on a bill we are trying to get through Congress, that will mandate Michigan Schools do not start their day until 9am. The class will break into 4 groups. Each group will have a different topic to research to highlight information that a lobbyist (Mr. Walter) will use in a quick meeting he has with Gov. Snyder to gain his support. Group 1) Gov. Snyder’s personal background information. Group 2) Gov. Snyder’s political accomplishments and aspirations. Group 3) Benefits of a later starting school time. Group 4) Disadvantages of a later starting school time.

11 Links That May Help Links for Activity,4668,7-277-70766_57579---,00.html times times Later-The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Later-School-Start-Times.htm Later-The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Later-School-Start-Times.htm

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