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VOCABULARY Short Stories “The Sniper” Enveloped: covered; wrapped Fleecy: covering Beleaguered: troubled Spasmodically: at irregular intervals Ascetic:

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2 VOCABULARY Short Stories

3 “The Sniper” Enveloped: covered; wrapped Fleecy: covering Beleaguered: troubled Spasmodically: at irregular intervals Ascetic: somber; cold in appearance Fanatic: person who supports a cause with extreme enthusiasm

4 “The Sniper” Vocabulary Parapet: low wall along the edge of a roof or balcony Paroxysm: convulsion or outburst Reel: to fall of balance Remorse: bitter regret Recoil: jerking back of a gun after it’s fired Revolted: turn away in disgust Ruse: trick

5 “Gift of the Magi” 1. Instigate: to stir up; provoke 2. Predominating: most important or frequent 3. Vestibule: small entryway within a building 4. Agile: able to move quickly and easily 5. Imputation: suggestion of stinginess 6. Appertaining: belonging as a part 7. Cascade: waterfall 8. Prudence: use of good judgment 9. Scrutiny: careful observation 10. Inconsequential: of no importance 11. Coveted: greedily wished for

6 “Through the Tunnel” Definitions 1. Beseech: beg 2. Contrition: feeling of regret for doing wrong 3. Defiant: boldly resistant of authority 4. Incredulous: doubtful; disbelieving 5. Supplication: begging; humble request 6. Promontories: high ridges of land or rock in a body of water

7 “The Open Window” Vocabulary Duly: at the proper time Unduly: not at the proper time Prospects: expectations Imminent: about to occur Romance: highly imaginative fiction Pariah dogs: dogs that have escaped and became wild

8 “The Necklace” Definitions 1. Adulation: excessive praise or flattery 2. Aghast: filled with shock 3. Askew: crooked 4. Exorbitant: excessive 5. Gamut: the entire range of something 6. Pauper: poor person

9 “The Necklace” Definitions 7. Privation: lack of basic necessities 8. Prospects: chances; possibilities 9. Ruinous: disastrous 10. Vexation: anger; annoyance 11. Niceties: nice things 12. Compromised: exposed to danger 13. Disconsolate: very unhappy

10 “The Sniper” and “The Necklace” Practice Do NOT draw pictures on your ghetto white board. Do NOT leave the cap off the dry erase marker when you are done.

11 How it works Fill in the blank… Write the correct word on your mini-whiteboard Hold it up when I say “show me” Don’t hold it up before I say “show me”

12 “The Necklace” Practice 1. Our rent has been ____________ lately. We just don’t have the means to pay that much. 2. You have many more _____________ if you go to college. 3. What a ____________ game for the Turlock Bulldogs! 4. Your health is _____________ if you smoke cigarettes.

13 “The Necklace” Practice 1. I am filled with ___________ when students talk when I’m talking. 2. I am ______________ when Oakdale athletes lose games. 3. If you get a good job, you can have all the ___________ you could ever want. 4. The economy has been so bad, average people seem to be living in ______________.

14 “The Necklace” Practice 1. Becky was ___________ when she saw her boyfriend kiss her best friend. 2. The alignment on my car is ____________. 3. This lesson is part of the whole _________ of lessons on short stories. 4. She was given much ____________ when she won homecoming queen.

15 “The Necklace” Practice 1. I am ___________ when my dad leaves the milk out. 2. I don’t think they were _________ when she called off the wedding. 3. If you all listen, your test scores will not be ______________. 4. Be careful not to give too much money to the _______, he will probably just buy beer.

16 “The Sniper” Practice 1. I’m _______________ by him when he doesn’t shower. 2. The gun’s ______________ knocked Timmy over. 3. Students tend to look ____________ on Monday mornings.

17 “The Sniper” Practice 1. Gangs have made Chicago a ____________________ city for nearly a decade. 2. I have so much ________________ because my poor decisions are preventing me from graduating high school. 3. After John hit Timmy he _____________ and fell into the pool.

18 “The Sniper” Practice 1. She was ____________ in the blanket. 2. The _____________ clouds prevented the sun from shining. 3. Raiders _______________ get a little out of control at football games. 4. Becky can’t see over the ____________ because she’s too short.

19 “Gift” Practice 1. She walked through the ______________ and found the priest praying for Buddha. 2. You may feel like you are being ____________ when I get upset about your grades. It’s just because I care. 3. That was an __________ mistake. It doesn’t mean anything.

20 “Gift” Practice 1. We should review the vocabulary words first. They are usually ____________ on the tests. 2. She is very ___________ in the water. 3. What a lovely __________. I’m going to hike up there and jump in. 4. She ____________ a new bike for Christmas.

21 “Gift” Practice 1. Kelly ____________ a fight with John. 2. I’m under strict _________ because it’s my first day on the job. 3. The resume is _________ to his entire portfolio. 4. The __________ scorer is Jason Brown.

22 “Tunnel” Practice 1. I _________ you! Please just loan me a couple dollars! 2. Miss Cook gets angry when we are ____________. 3. She was overwhelmed with _____________ after she yelled at her man. 4. Be careful not to fall off of the _____________.

23 “Tunnel” Practice 1. We were all subjected to his _____________ when he needed money for food. 2. Her argument is ___________. She claims that she’s never done anything wrong. 3. We should be _____________ when we don’t do our homework. 4. The man ____________ people at Wal- Mart has $60,000 in his savings account.

24 “Tunnel” Practice 1. If you _________ the principal, you may get suspended. 2. The lawyer had a very ____________ argument. Evidence proved that his client stole the money. 3. I have fun jumping off the _______________ at Rainbow Pools. 4. Even though she got the death penalty, she ____________ for mercy.

25 Suffixes An affix (part/attachment) that is added to the end of the word TION means the act of doing something; the state or result of doing something  Examination  Combination  Completion  election

26 Suffix (TION/ATION/ION) What words have TION added to them from today’s vocabulary list?  supplication  contrition What are the verbs they are added to?  supplicate (to ask humbly)  Contrite (to feel guilty)

27 SUFFIX 1. Make a list of words you can think of that end in TION/ATION/ION. 2. Now, write the verbs they are derived from next to them.

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