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Our StandOur Stand YES. Technology does reduce the quality of human interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Our StandOur Stand YES. Technology does reduce the quality of human interaction."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our StandOur Stand YES. Technology does reduce the quality of human interaction

3 Introduction Technology  Use of scientific knowledge to manufacture machinery and equipment that provides convenience in our lives. Human Interaction  Mutual interactions between two or more humans.

4 Technology Technology  During the 21 st Century, due to technological advancements, it has improved the comfort of our lives.  e.g. Smart phones, Laptops, Tablets

5 Social MediaSocial Media  Enable people to interact and share virtually.  In facebook alone, there are 1.4 billion users.  There are still many platforms like twitter and YouTube.


7 Disadvantages  Slowly, technology has disconnected us from the world physically, leading us into a state of isolation.  Isolation then leads to the lack of interaction between people, reducing quality of human interaction

8 Why?  Instead of spending time in person with friends, we just call, text or instant message them.  When people are together, Some people may still use their phone (e.g. texting, surfing the internet)

9 Quotation


11 Anti-Social|Self-CenteredAnti-Social|Self-Centered  Less friendly and helpful  Reluctant to make friend.  More likely to cause problems or troubles  Person’s attitude may influence surrounding people’s thoughts.

12 Tensions and Misunderstandings  Lack of understanding between both parties  Tensions and misunderstandings between friends and family members.

13 THE ENDTHE END Thank you

14 Group 3Group 3  Jonathan  Ryan  Ferdinand  Ze Nam  Dylan

15 Rebuttals

16 How does technology cause misunderstanding and tension? Face to face interaction can also cause tension.  By texting we cannot express our feelings-when meeting in real life we cannot experience the physical being of the person, feel the person’s presence.  Texting may not show the true feelings of the person( cannot see body language)

17 How does technology make people more self-centered?  By isolating oneself, we only work for the benefit of oneself the person is in a virtual world of only himself without having to care for others.

18 Misuse of technology that leads to the reduce in quality of human interaction?  Technology covers mostly social media  E.g. texting

19 People make friends through social media  They may not know the person  The ‘friendship’ may not be true

20 There are some people who become closer through social media.  That is only a small handful

21  Hence technology reduces the quality of human interaction.

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