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Funded by: West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Funded by: West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Funded by: West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council

2 People First is...  A self-advocacy organization for people with developmental disabilities that… is run by people with developmental disabilities teaches people how to speak up for themselves and be self- determined in their lives

3 MISSION “To promote self-advocacy by speaking and acting on behalf of the rights and responsibilities of all people with developmental disabilities.”

4 How Did We Get Here?  1991 – 1 st Self-Advocacy Grant awarded to The Arc of Wood County First Coordinator was hired WV People First Conference started  2008 – 2 ND Self-Advocacy Grant awarded to The Arc of West Virginia Same Coordinator was Re-Hired WV People First Conference in it’s 18 th Year New Chapters Being Formed Structured Network Developing!  2009 & 2010 – Grant was Renewed Focus on highschool students and young adults Strengthen existing chapters & start new ones

5 History of People First  Worldwide movement  Adopted & promoted by all state, national and worldwide disability networks The Arc of the United States United Cerebral Palsy Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered US Developmental Disabilities Councils WV Developmental Disability Council WV Fairshake Network National Down Syndrome Society Autism Speaks

6 Why Would You Join People First?  Make sure we are treated with dignity and respect  Learn how to speak for ourselves on issues important to our lives  Educate ourselves on how to be our own advocate  Change perceptions to be viewed as equals and contributing members of society

7 Treated With Dignity & Respect  Given age-appropriate activities Adults are treated as adults Not treated as “perpetual children”  Opportunities for inclusive activities with our peers & neighbors, not segregated because of disability  Portrayed as valued citizens, not “pitiful”, “suffering”, or “pathetic”  Referred to using People First Language

8 Speaking for Myself  Nothing About Us…Without Us! Being given the opportunity to provide input on decisions affecting my life.  Learning how to speak for ourselves to make our own decisions and defend our rights  Learning how to speak up for someone who cannot speak for themselves

9 Educate Ourselves  Learn our rights, rules, and responsibilities as citizens  Learn about the government and how to fight for legislation  Access tips and tools to build and develop positive self-esteem  Develop skills and identify resources needed to take charge of our daily lives

10 Change Perceptions  Have opportunities to build friendships and long-term relationships  Be employed in “real” jobs and receive “real” wages – not leftovers  Be given meaningful, volunteer opportunities

11  We are People First, our potential cannot be defined by our disability labels  More important than our disabilities, are our interests, strengths, and personalities  We have the right to live, learn, work, play and worship with those we choose to, not those we have to Why Self-Advocacy?

12 Why is Self-Advocacy important?  Adults with disabilities are often treated like children.  We aren’t given the chance to be a part of the decisions made about our own lives.  Those helping us, sometimes hide our rights from us.  We become labels, instead of the person we are.  We aren’t given the chance to live in the community.

13 What Self-Advocacy is NOT  It is not getting everything handed to you.  It is not having someone else make your decisions.  It is not having someone else take responsibility for your actions and decisions.  It is not having people feeling sorry for you.

14 How can you/your organization help promote this movement?  Commit to the “People First” mindset  Use People First Language in all programs and activities!  Treat adults as adults!  View and promote people with disabilities as valued members of society, not as “special”, objects of “pity”, or in constant need of being “taken care of”.  Ask their opinion!

15 People First of West Virginia 912 Market St. Parkersburg, WV 26101 304-422-3151, ext. 106

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