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1.What do you see? Describe the physical environment of this place. 2.Where do you think this photo was taken? Why? 3.What do you think the structures.

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Presentation on theme: "1.What do you see? Describe the physical environment of this place. 2.Where do you think this photo was taken? Why? 3.What do you think the structures."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.What do you see? Describe the physical environment of this place. 2.Where do you think this photo was taken? Why? 3.What do you think the structures shown here are used for? 4.What valuable resource do they extract? This photograph is of an oil-drilling rig in the sand dunes of Saudi Arabia. Southwest Asia contains almost two thirds of the world’s known oil supplies. Having such a valuable natural resource affects the region in many ways

2 Preview 24 How might having a lot of oil affect SW Asia? List at least three ways you think this resource might affect the people and places in this region. An example is done for you. – This resource might provide jobs for many people.

3 In this chapter… You will learn how a valuable natural resource, oil, impacts the countries of Southwest Asia. Read Section 24.1. Identify at least two details in the two photographs of Dubai that might reflect the impact of oil on this United Arab Emirates state and city. 1950s 2004

4 What do you see? What countries are shown here? Which region of the world are they from?




8 Renewable Resources

9 1.What is life like for a typical 4 year old in the United States? 2.Does slavery exist in our world today?


11 Response Group Activity – Investigating the Geology and Geography of Oil by answer a series of questions about oil and SW Asia – Read 24.3 to find answers Iqbal Major Oil Producing Countries The 10 Southwest Asian oil counties labeled in bold type possess about half of the world’s known oil reserves. Notice that many of these countries border the Persian Gulf.


13 Friday, February 4 Response Group Activity – Investigating the Oil Wealth and People’s well-being by answer a series of questions about oil and SW Asia – Read 24.4 to find answers Iqbal—chapter 1

14 Monday, February 7 1.According to the Bar Graph titled Per Capita GDP, which country ranks the highest? 2.Which country ranks the highest in proven oil reserves? 3.TRUE or FALSE Higher levels of proven oil reserves means higher per capita GDP. 4.TRUE or FALSE Higher levels of proven oil reserves does not guarantee higher per capita GDP.

15 Wednesday, February 2 Response Group Activity – Investigating the Price and Flow of Oil by answer a series of questions about oil and SW Asia – Read 24.5 to find answers Iqbal

16 1.Turn in Grade Sheets 2.Go over/finish Geography & Geology of Oil 3.Investigate Oil Wealth and People’s Well-Being

17 Geoterm Preview Crude Oil Nonrenewable Resource Oil Reserves Renewable Resource

18 Tuesday, March 9 24.4 Oil Wealth and People’s Well-being 24.5 The Price and Flow of Oil m/watch?v=2Jxst8iNm9 g (moving beyond oil) m/watch?v=2Jxst8iNm9 g Video/Learn-about- Desert-Storm-The- Persian-Gulf-War-1990- --1991-117505973 Video/Learn-about- Desert-Storm-The- Persian-Gulf-War-1990- --1991-117505973 Persian Gulf War

19 1.TURN IN LATE PASSES FOR EXTRA CREDIT—5 pts each! 2.Read 24.5 and complete the three questions in your reading notes 3.“The Story of Oil” – create a “book” that explains the process to young readers! 4.Organizer Binder – Binder Check-in tomorrow

20 The Story of Oil The diagram to the right shows how crude oil is formed, pumped out of the ground, and used. Your task is to write a book that explains this process to young readers. You will illustrate your book with the six drawings. Step 1: Fold a blank sheet of paper in half lengthwise. Fold it again in thirds. The boxes formed by the folds will be the six pages of your book. Step 2: Cut out the six drawings below. Paste or tape one drawing in each box, keeping them in the correct order. Leave room around each drawing to write an explanation of it. Step 3: Explain each step in the story of oil in simple words that a young reader can understand.

21 1990







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