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UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation1 Workshop Chemical Leasing Promotion and Implementation of Closing-the-Loops Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation1 Workshop Chemical Leasing Promotion and Implementation of Closing-the-Loops Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation1 Workshop Chemical Leasing Promotion and Implementation of Closing-the-Loops Cooperation and Business Models Practical Experience in Introducing CL to Industry UNIDO, VIC, Vienna March 2005 Walter Beyer, BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation

2 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation2 At the beginning The idea of new business models presented by the Ministry of Environment How to find two innovative and appropriate companies: supplier and user Definition of criterias for the participation in this initiative: - operating materials - experience in internally closed loop systems Description of the background - legal - economic - technical

3 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation3 Parties of CL, technologie, Chemicals One partner of CL is a delacqering company and supplier of solvents. The other company produces furniture fittings and had to paint these parts. The supplier had experience in internally closed loop systems for many years. Experience in delacqering, solvent treatment, environmental management, R&D sustainability The solvents used are expensive and recycable

4 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation4 Subjects and goals Extended utilization of the solvents Avoidance of hazardous waste Reduction of waste Reduction in consumption of new solvents

5 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation5 Procedure Analysing the existing situation Business model costs transport storage Description of legal problems garanties contract waste management Balance sheet of solvents and waste Effects on the environment Calculation

6 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation6 Balance sheet - purchase

7 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation7 Balance sheet - chemical leasing

8 UNIDO Workshop - Chemical Leasing BEYER Umwelt + Kommunikation8 Contract and realisation Main contents description of the service responsibilities supplier, user and both parties liability know-how duration quantities quality price Realisation final discussion of the contract official start at January 1, 2005

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