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Capture listeners’ attention and get them involved  Question  Joke  Fact  Story  Quotation.

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Presentation on theme: "Capture listeners’ attention and get them involved  Question  Joke  Fact  Story  Quotation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Capture listeners’ attention and get them involved  Question  Joke  Fact  Story  Quotation

3 Identify yourself and establish your credibility Describe your position, knowledge or experience

4 Preview your main points You may not be able to write these down until you have completed your presentation

5 Develop main points with adequate explanation and detail

6 Structure your ideas logically to any of the following elements:  Time  Component  Importance  Criteria  Groupings  Problem/Solution  Pro-con alternatives

7  Strive to achieve two goals  Summarize the main themes  Include a statement that allows for a graceful ending  Restate your purpose  State your recommendation

8  Include an anecdote, an inspiring quotation, or a statement that ties in the opening

9  Effective Imagery  Verbal Signposts  Nonverbal Messages

10  Analogies  Metaphors  Similes  Personal anecdotes  Personalized statistics  Worst- and Best- case scenarios

11  Previewing  Let’s consider the causes of…  Summarizing  Let me review the major problems…  Switching directions  We’ve discussed this…; now let’s look at this…

12  Look your best  Animate your body  Punctuate your words  Walk away from the desk or podium  Vary your facial expression

13 Before you make a presentation consider: “Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand.”

14 Computer-aided presentations can even make an amateur look like a professional.

15  Using Templates  Layouts for title page, bulleted list, a bar chart, double column list, etc.  Templates combine harmonious colors, borders, and fonts for pleasing visual effects

16  Working with color  Use a color palette of five or fewer colors  Use warm colors to highlight important elements  Use the same color for like elements

17  Use light text on a dark background for darkened rooms

18 Use dark text on a light background for lightened rooms

19  Building Bullet Points  Use bullets after titles  Use bullets to emphasize  Use bullets to improve readability  Creating Bullet Points  Use short phrases  Use parallel phrases


21  Sound  Animation  Video  Photos  Hyperlinks

22  Avoid being upstaged by your slides  Slides do not carry the show  Slides do summarize important points  You must maintain control of your presentation

23  Keep all visuals simple; spotlight major points only  Use the same font and size for similar headings.  Apply the rule of Seven

24  Be sure that everyone can see the slides  Show a slide, paraphrase the slide, do not read the slide

25  Rehearse by practicing speaking to the audience, not to the slides  Bring backup transparencies in case of equipment failure

26  Delivery Method  Delivery Techniques  Before Your Presentation  During Your Presentation  After Your Presentation

27  Do not memorize the entire presentation  We are not actors  Do memorize significant parts  The introduction, the conclusion, a meaningful quotation  Do not read to the audience  Sounds unnatural  Audience loses confidence in you

28  Stage fright is both natural and controllable  Speakers are nervous before a speech  “If someone is not nervous,” a corporate speech consultant said, “the person is either a liar or a very boring speaker.”

29  Breathe deeply  Convert your fear  Know your topic  Use positive self-talk  Shift the spotlight to your visuals  Ignore stumbles  Feel proud when you finish

30  Prepare thoroughly  Rehearse repeatedly  Time yourself  Request a lectern  Check the room  Greet members of the audience  Practice stress reduction

31  Begin with a short pause  Present your first sentence from memory  Maintain eye contact  Control your voice and your vocabulary

32  Put the brakes on  Move naturally  Avoid digressions  Summarize your main points

33  Distribute handouts  Encourage questions  Repeat questions  Reinforce your main points  Keep control  Avoid “Yes, but…” answers  End with a summary and appreciation

34  Know your purpose  What are you trying to accomplish  Know your audience  Friendly-Neutral-Uninterested-Hostile  Age-Gender-Education-Experience-Size

35  Step 1: Tell them what you’re going to say  Step 2: Say it  Step 3: Tell them what you’ve just said

36  An end slide completes your presentation  An end slide can remind you to ask for questions  An end slide can summarize your presentation

37  Click the slide View button  Click slide show on the menu bar  Point to Action Buttons  Select Custom from the list

38  groom/meetingguide_right_color.html


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