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Introduction Welcome to 1FG. Our names are Mrs. Fitton and Mrs Grove. Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Bache and Mrs. Clarke In a morning we enter through the.

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2 Introduction Welcome to 1FG. Our names are Mrs. Fitton and Mrs Grove. Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Bache and Mrs. Clarke In a morning we enter through the door near the classroom. An adult will open the door at 8.45am to let the children in and close it at 8.55am. Please help us to keep the children safe by allowing your child to come in by themselves. At home-time the door will be opened at 3.15pm and your child will be allowed to leave when we have seen the adult who is collecting them. If you are going to be late please let the office know and also let us know if someone different is collecting your child.

3 Independence We want to encourage your children to be as independent as possible so please allow them to come into school by themselves and to sort their own belongings. By doing this you are also helping us to keep your children safe by not overcrowding the corridors. Each child will have their own peg which will be named.

4 4 Year 1 Themes This year the children will be studying the following themes in depth:~ AutumnSpringSummer Animals Celebrations History Materials Plants Holidays Keep up to date with life in Year One through our school website Copies of all letters will be available on the website

5 5 St. Peter’s is a Church of England school and as such your child will be taught R.E. in line with the Shropshire Agreed syllabus. We have weekly R.E. Lessons where the teaching and learning is predominantly Christian, but the children will learn about key features of other major world faiths and will be encouraged to respect and take an interest in the beliefs and traditions of other cultures. The children participate in daily acts of worship, either as a whole school, a Key Stage or in class, however you have the right to withdraw your child if you so wish. Religious Education

6 6 Your child will have the following homework to support their classroom learning:~ Daily reading Weekly high frequency word spellings Occasional theme based home learning Weekly talk homework which prepares the children for their Big Writing session. Please aim to help your child for 5 to 10 minutes each night whenever possible. Homework

7 7 Please remember... All uniform should be named. Please encourage your child to remember to bring their book bag every day. PE kit should be in school every day. Children should bring in their own named water bottle daily. Hair gel, nail varnish and make-up are not allowed. Earrings should be one pair of plain studs ~ please make sure that your child can take their own earrings out for P.E.

8 8 Working together The best way we can help your child is to work together and be positive about school work, homework and topics etc. We will keep you informed of your child’s progress at formal parents’ evenings in October and March, but please feel free to enquire about your child at any time during the year. Never save concerns until a parents’ evening as we can help before then. The best time of day to see any teacher, unless it is an emergency, is after school as the mornings are a very busy time. I look forward to working closely with all of you to help your children to reach their potential.

9 9 Questions Does anyone have any questions?

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