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{ Pattern Landscape Building a work with line, repetition, and pattern.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Pattern Landscape Building a work with line, repetition, and pattern."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Pattern Landscape Building a work with line, repetition, and pattern.

2 {{ Continuous or Actual Implied A line is a basic element of art, referring to a continuous mark, made on a surface, by a moving point.

3 {{ Calligraphic Parallel or Hatching -is a series of lines used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing (or painting or scribing) closely spaced parallel lines. When a second set of lines are placed at an angle to the hatching lines, it is called cross-hatching. -flowing, graceful, thick to thin line) used in fancy writing called Calligraphy and other ornamental designs.

4 {{ GesturalContour -Energetic and active lines that generally are used to catch the movements and gestures of a figure -Is the line the defines the edge or form…the outline.

5 {{ ShapeForm -Implies spatial form and is usually perceived as two- dimensional. -Has depth, length, and width. It resides in space. It is perceived as three- dimensional.

6 { Foreground= Front Middle ground= Middle Background= Back Definition of Space

7 { -Objects at the front of the picture frame are the darkest and most defined. While objects at the very back are lightest and least defined. -Overlapping of objects as they are found naturally helps to define space and give perspective as well. Do you see how all the elements in the picture overlap another element? (Even the cloud overlaps the sun) Atmospheric Perspective

8 Pattern -is a repeating unit of shape, form and may also include color.

9 { -Grant Wood was born on a farm near the small town of Anamosa, Iowa in 1891. -Painted simple scenes of the land and people he knew best, and helped create an important, all-American style of art. -His paintings show the love he had for the people and customs of the Midwestern United States. Painted during the Great Depression. -His style of work became called Regionalist or part of a greater movement called Regionalism- work s based solely around one area. -Most Famous work was American Gothic. (seen here) Grant Wood

10 { As you see here Grant would not only used color to define each area of his paintings, but also distinct lines and shapes that create patterns. (Examples the trees and fields.)

11 Other works by Wood…

12 Project Criteria: For this Project you will: -find a photo of a landscape either online or from a magazine. - draw the contour lines of the elements within that landscape onto your paper. - then fill in the shapes with the patterns you created on your Pattern Inventory Sheet, taking into account the form and shape of the elements. Use atmospheric perspective to define space. - use black and white or color to add patterns to your contour drawing. (You may even add a third color to your black and white like the student work shown.

13 Important Dates!! Landscape image due: Friday, 9/27/2013 Pattern Inventory due: Tuesday, 10/2/2013 Check Point 1: Friday, 10/4/2013 Check Point 2: Tuesday, 10/8/2013 Final Project due: Wednesday, 10/16/2013

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