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The Conservative Movement Grows Chapter 19, Section 1.

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1 The Conservative Movement Grows Chapter 19, Section 1

2 Two Views: Liberal and Conservatives ●Liberals: those who generally favor government intervention to help the needy o 1960s-70s: social programs, favored international diplomacy to fight communism ●Conservatives: those who generally favor allowing the free market, private organizations, and individuals to do that o 1980s: reduce taxes, decrease regulation of industry, actively fighting against communism in other countries

3 The Conservative Movement Gains Strength ●New Right: political movement supported by resurgent conservative groups during the late 20th century o Rise of the Republican Party due to the unraveling of the Democratic Party

4 Reagan Wins the Presidency ●Ronald Reagan: Republican candidate who won the 1980 election o Hollywood actor o Conservative

5 ●Close race until one week before the election during their only presidential debate, Reagan’s communication skills shone, calming fears of his inexperience in politics.

6 Review 1.How might liberals and conservatives use different approaches to help the poor or unemployed? 1.Why do you think Reagan was able to pull ahead of Carter before the election?

7 Reagan Revolution Chapter 19, Section 2

8 Reaganomics Guides the Economy ●supply-side economics: reduce taxes and people will work more, more money to spend which will cause the economy to grow ●deregulation: removal of government control over industries ●1980-1982: severe recession o Amount of poor/working-poor increased o Richest percentage of Americans grew richer

9 ●budget deficit: shortfall between money spent and amount taken in by the government o $79 billion (1981) to $221 billion (1986) ●national debt: amount of money the federal government owes to owners of government bond ($2.5 trillion)

10 Conservative Strength Grows ●Reagan’s 1984 re-election: “It is morning in America” - easily won re-election Morning In America

11 ●Sandra Day O’Connor: first female Justice of the Supreme Court o influential on several court cases

12 ●George H.W. Bush (VP under Reagan) elected president in 1988 o encouraged Americans to volunteer  “like a thousand points of light”

13 Confronting Challenging Issues ●A Nation at Risk, by the Department of Education, showed that students were consistently scoring lower on standardized tests ●vouchers: government checks, used by parents, to pay tuition at private schools o would force public schools to improve

14 ●Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS): a disease with no known cure that attacks the immune system of its victims (last stage of HIV) o At first, spread mostly through homosexual males and intravenous drug users, but spread to different groups later o By 1994: AIDS had killed over 250,000 Americans

15 AIDS Quilt: Each panel represents a memory of someone who has died from AIDS. Today, there are more than 44,000 panels.

16 Challenger Explosion Challenger Explosion (1986)

17 If you’re under 30, live in a city, and work in an office making a lot of money - then you are a Yuppie!



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